Hi everyone. I'm probably not the first to bring this up, but I'm just hoping to bring some attention to this issue, because I'd really like to see some improvements in this area, and I think it is needed.
The monk finishing moves are great, but I almost never get to use them, and end up wasting a lot of ki. I understand that if you break the combo chain by doing a different combat move, you should lose the finisher. For instance if you're going for the fire-fire-fire finisher, but on the third one you throw out an air or light move instead, then yes you should lose the finisher.
What irks me is, you don't lose it because of using a move like trip or sunder, or changing stances, which is nice; however, if you so much as pick up a collectible, drink a potion, change weapons, loot a chest, pull a lever, flip a switch, climb a ladder, jump and grab and edge to climb up onto a surface, or do just about anything you have to start over. I know I'm not the first to post about this, but seriously, this needs to be fixed.
A lot of times the fight is over by the time I get my finishing move charged up, and everyone's looting the chest, then moving on. Well now I either loot the chest and waste all the ki I just used, or I follow everyone and keep fighting till I can use it, then have to run back and pick up all the loot I missed and then hurry to catch up with the group, which inevitably means I either fall behind and/or wind up being pretty useless.
No other class has to skip over things like this. Every other class can stop and loot or change weapons, drink a potion, flip a switch, then keep doing what they're doing, and I really don't think monks deserve to be handicapped like this. We need to be on equal footing with the other classes.
It throws off the rhythm of the entire group and results in the party being split up, or the monk has to just run along to keep up and waste a lot of ki and really only ends up using finishing moves once or twice so they end up just being an unarmored fist fighter that can only bash things and dies a lot against enemies that deal high amounts of damage.
And now a word about how awesome the monk class is:
I started out as a favored soul, but pretty much abandoned that character after discovering the monk class ^_^ I can't stop playing them. They have sooo many tricks up their sleeves, especially an elven monk with the Dragonmark of Shadow. Being able to throw out that sp discount buff at the start of a dungeon when the clerics and casters are using up a lot of sp to buff everyone is great, not to mention the wind concealment finisher, and the group heal light finisher. If it looks like we're going to wipe I can pop shadow walk, nab everyone's soul stones and run back to a res shrine too. Plus they just plain kick butt. On anything but elite difficulty they're practically immune to traps, and things other party members would have trouble with like oozes and rust monsters, you can just wade in and destroy (and usually get a nice health and ki boost). Not to mention the disease, sleep and poison immunity. Their restorative moves (in the enhancements) really come in handy too.
This is a great class and currently my favorite to play, and I'd really like to see this issue that is crippling it so much fixed.