Allow monks to do hand/fist/palm/touch attacks as long as *offhand* slot is free. (Being centered still a requirement.)

Currently monks can do many touch attacks (such as Quivering Palm, Stunning Fist, Touch of Death) only when no weapon is equipped or when wearing a handwrap. However this is inconsistent with PnP rules, that in their wisdom allow monks to do these attacks with *any* hand, as long as one hand is free.

This means that in PnP a monk can use a kama in main hand and still do these attacks thanks to offhand being free. The same applies to staff, because monk can hold a staff in only one hand long enough to do these attacks. However using two kamas would prevent such attacks, as there's no hand available.

Excerpt from SRD:
Even though the quarterstaff requires two hands to use, a monk may still intersperse unarmed strikes with quarterstaff strikes, assuming that she has enough attacks in her flurry of blows routine to do so.
(No Touch of Death for my staff monk made him very unhappy - that's the only real reason to go dominion anyway!)