So I'm still having fun with my 1 level splash into Wizard - here's what I've found so far:
*Extend + Robes of Duality = 6 minute Shield spell without need to UMD 5th and 10th level wands.
*Semi-UMD through character level allowing me to use scrolls that I don't have clickies for
*Semi-restricted use of Healing wands, though I believe this is due to Halfling dragonmarks as opposed to the Wizard splash.
*Unrestricted use of Arcane wands - such as Invisibility (cast on NPCs and healbots), Shield 10, Stoneskin, Resist Energy 7/11, Pro Energy 10, and Fireball for a better ranged option than most returning shurikens.
*And of course two other 1st level spell slots for Jump, Tumble, Merfolks, Exp Retreat and FF - mostly useful when pugging with folks who don't have gear expected of 10+ characters.
Should I take this character to level 20, I may consider a Lesser Reincarnate then. For the meantime, this 1 level of Wizard has passed its cost-benefit DC, for me at least.
So far on Argonessen I have encountered one other player with a similar idea, though they had 3 levels of Wizard. We even had the same robes and hairstyle. I can see the benefit of having a longer-duration Blur, but I think this comes at too much sacrifice to melee capability and fortitude saves. It may be possible that an investment into more levels of Wizard for the Fire spell enhancement line could pay off if one were to combine the Fire finisher, Maximise/Empower, the wraps from Threnal, Sup Inferno I pots and possibly some Fire/Arcane lore item - but carrying this all the way to Firewall seems far too specialised for my liking.
I'm currently considering a single level of Cleric on my current experiment, as this would allow pseudo-UMD on Raise Dead/Heal/Recitation scrolls, Empower Healing and DVs. This may fit into my playstyle, as I actually enjoy pugging and compensating for any weak links in the party. This is probably a habit of playing mostly Clerics in DDO. I already have a Clonk - he's a lot of fun, but has to go anonymous due to the demand for Clerics in pugs. In other words, my experiment is mostly an exercise in exhibiting self-sufficiency to pugs.
Yes, I am aware that investing points into Intelligence and Skill Focus: UMD would provide similar versatility with regards to wands, scrolls, and allow me to go Lawful Neutral instead. However, switching over to the gear required for effective UMD doesn't seem very viable in combat situations.
So, have any of you tried something similar? Perhaps a Monk with a splash into Cleric for Empower Healing on Dragonmark Heal/FOL finisher, or even a Life Magic/Negative-energy specced Monk for use with Fists of Darkness? It does not seem that the effect of Metamagic feats on Monk finishing moves will be 'fixed' anytime soon, so I am curious as to other possibilities.