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  1. #1
    Community Member Tanks's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default rog13/pal6/ftr1 a viable build?

    I have returned to the game after a long time away. I had created this toon back lvl10-cap days at a Batman build (pal7/rog2/ftr1), back when Tempest Spine was the Big Show. I came back briefly and lvl'ed her to 16...mainly because I was too lazy to reroll. The build, as it currently stands, is atrocious: rog8/pal7/ftr1. I was thinking about doing a +1heartwood to: a) get her to 32pt and b) take out a lvl of pal and go to 20 to end up with rog13/pal6/ftr1. Is this a waste of time/VIP-points or can I make her into a deeply skilled trap monkey with twf that can contribute at the highest lvl of the game? I've done a bit of research but there're so many changes to the game that I thought I'd defer to your collective wisdom to help me sort this out. I may post a build shortly but I'm curious what you all think. Should I do rog13/pal7 instead?

    Thanks for your time!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    there is a guy with a wf 12 rogue 6 paladin 2 fighter, name immunitank in ghallanda, check him a little in

    yo could also change the 1 fighter for 1 monk, now there are the icy raiments which give a +4 dodge ac bonus, with a +7 or +8 ac bracers and wis ac you can have 50+ ac using 2 weapons

  3. #3
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    When i saw the thread title i assumed you'd be going the acrobat2 2hander-using quarterstaff build with great attack speed.. and as the previous poster suggested, i was going to also say switching out the fighter level for monk would be a good bet to boost AC & squeeze a little extra ability boost out of it (water for saves & AC, wind for attack speed & AC, fire for extra damage thru STR & KI to power strikes). Your idea looks pretty nice too, and should definitely be viable if not "teh uberz"

    As for the rogue13/pally7, i'd suggest just looking at the trade-offs & see which suits your playstyle the most
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    Tanks the build you were planning to make at 20 is a strong build. Most people call it the hurtlocker build. Here is a link to a ton of info on how to set up your gear and stats if you continue with 13 rogue/6 pal/1monk.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tanks's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by vagabondmmo View Post
    Tanks the build you were planning to make at 20 is a strong build. Most people call it the hurtlocker build. Here is a link to a ton of info on how to set up your gear and stats if you continue with 13 rogue/6 pal/1monk.
    i like that build but i'll have to wait on the +1heartwood to swap ftr->mnk

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