Just curious about personality types (using MBTI)... Does DDO (or MMO's in general) attract more of some types than others? What are you? Thoughts?
Just curious about personality types (using MBTI)... Does DDO (or MMO's in general) attract more of some types than others? What are you? Thoughts?
INTP, I think... not sure where I put the analysis I had done as part of work.
I'd venture a guess that the D&D system attracts a group biased toward Is and Ts, with probably roughly equal distribution of S/N and J/P. For MMOs in general, I'm not sure.
Originally Posted by Angelus_dead
Last time I took it about 6 or 8 months ago, it said I was INFP.
INTJ] what!?!? hehe
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Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
Wielder of the Stiffler Salute
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When I took it I was an INTJ.