The ranger class has multiple problems that need to be fixed. The class paths are not equal in power, or ability. Tempests are the strongest b/c they can increase their offensive and defensive abillities, from the incease number of two weapon attacks and a +2-4 sheild bonus, not to mention the feat requirements +1 AC from dodge, +4 AC when tumbling from mobility, and no attack penalties when attacking while moving from spring attack.
Arcane Archer are the second strongest b/c they are able to imbue arrow with magical elements increasing damage and get more SP for casting and from mental tougness. But they get stuck with +1 to attack with a bow from point blank shot and +1 to attack the bow from weapon focus. I think they need to have Conjure +1-5 Returning Arrows, Bolts and Throwing Weapons, Imbue Neagative Energy Missles, Arcane Barrier (+4 AC) and/or Arcane Guard (damage reduction 5/-), Arcane Aura Sheild (1/2 all spell damage) Arcane Cloak (Invisiblity) and Arcane Beam (25d6 Arcane damage lvl18 required).
Deepwood Snipers are the weakest b/c they only do extra damage when they crit, if your oppenet is not crit immune (ooze, undead, constructs,... etc) then they do normal damage. They also have the same useless feat requirements as arcane archer are stuck with execpt they need spot, hide, and move silently enhancements and they don't need mental tougness. I think they need these enhacements Deepwood Camouflage (Become invisble and can attack and interact with object till attacked or detected and you gain +4 AC while invisible), Crititcal Penatration (can bypass crit immunity and damage reduction), and Sniper Vision (+1-5 to attack and to confirm crits).
Archers have no defensive abillities for execpt spells and running away. But they can be slowed, dazed, paralysis, mezmerized, stuned...etc or they may not have any where to run. Archers can't stay in stealth while shooting,and can't access Shooting on the Run without giving up 3 feats. Ranger also get healing spells very late in the game. My solution remove point blank shot as a path requirement and replace it with Weapon Finesse and have Shooting on the Run (lvl4) and Rapid Reload (Lvl3) as a Granted Feat. Finally add Cure Minor Wound to first lvl ranger spells.