as you can see, even though they are nothing more than a subrace of the elf race [which are nothing but a race, because they are the same species as humans (they can mate with them and create viable and fertile offspring, thus indicating they are from the same genus and have the same number of chromosomes.).] , they have many key differences, some of them appear to be ignored by the development team.
The Drow key attribute is not Dexterity, as the developers erratically presumed, it is Charisma, this is Confirmed by the fact that Half-Drow inherit The magnetic personality from their drow parents, and not their dexterity.
The Drow in this game are somewhat lagging behind the other classes, because the developers had the ~great~ idea of not allowing them to be born with 32 points to allocate; they also had the ~great~ idea of making a inherit race feature as an enhancement line and nerfing the same to non-damaging effects; there is obviously a simple solution to this,though.
Interestingly, the development team mixed up their weapon proficiencies , which were "Rapier,Shortsword and Hand Crossbow" , they replaced the hand crossbow one for shuriken , wouldn't it make more sense if the weapon were light repeaters?
I know that there are other things that I did not mentioned, such as the fact that they had originally a +2 level adjustment, but this is compensated by the fact that they cannot be born with 32 points in this game.
Basically, the solution to the Drow problem is much more simple than you think, if their enhancements were revamped as I suggested , they might stand a chance as other builds other than Spellsingers...
Just my opinion, I know this won't change anything, but you have to agree, revamping their enhancements would be the first step to equality...
I might be drunk, though , I didn't mean to sound offensive to you.