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The Devs realized this years ago when they added heroic durability during development and gave everyone a maxed hitdie at every level-up. Level 1 and 2 (or higher) characters dying instantly from a random trash mob attack isn't fun, so they got enough hitpoints to survive.
Now, knowing that most players are not going to willingly put themselves in a situation where they can be instantly killed, and that most group leaders are not going to put themselves in a situation where they could be short 10-20% damage effectiveness (or worse, 50-100% healing) due to a single dice roll, what direction do you think "acceptable builds" would take?
Looking at, in particular, one new item from the newest content patch, we see that the devs are looking at increasing the need for fortification from 1/2 item slot or less, to at least 2 fractional item slots in epic content. whether that extends down into lower levels remains to be seen. It seems not-unlikely, however, that instead of 3 tiers of fort topping out at 9, we'll have at least 5 tiers, topping out in epic content. As they add more epic content and fill itemization gaps in lower levels, we might see fort at 100% at 9, 125% at 15, and 150% in epic.
That doesn't do a lot for the people who think it's a stupid system and want it removed, but it does help the people who enjoy progressing their characters steadily throughout their characters' careers, and offers a glimmer of hope to those who rely on critical or sneak attack damage to succeed (because if fort goes over 100%, there must be some way to reduce or bypass it, right?). Unless there are plans to make a more drastic change, like making Fort into a %reduction to critical damage, where crit damage can be set at anywhere from 1-200 (or whatever) percent base.