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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Newbie Favored Soul needs help

    I am still new at this game (I have played it for 2 months now), but I really enjoy it and spend enough money on it to have the FvS class and the more points build.

    My highest lvl Toon is now lvl 9 and is a Human FvS. I want to make him good at healing and buffing, but melee for damage if needed. Is that feasible, or do I need offensive spells as well? Right now I only have heals and buffs.

    My stats (included the Tomes I bought from the store and my 2 stats improvements from lvl)

    (Race Human)

    Str: 16
    Dex: 19
    Con: 16
    Wis: 14
    Int: 10
    Cha: 18

    My feats Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon fighting (heavy weapons), Toughness, Maximize Healing, Extend Spell

    My questions:

    Is it feasible to focus on Healing/Buffing only and do Melee for Damage? My Wis is kinda low, so I figured offensive spells would have a low DC anyway.

    What feats should I take on higher levels? (I was thinking Improved Crit Slashing and Improved 2 weapon Fighting, but even if I take those I have room left)

    Any other tips? I am new, this toon doesn't have to be the very best in the game, but I also don't want him to be gimped, I plan to play him till lvl 20.

    P.S. I plan to go Pure FvS, no Multi Class.

    P.P.S. Where should I put my next Stat points in? I was thinking CHA, but after reading in this forum I am not so sure anymore. I only need 1 more CHA to be able to cast 9th level spells right? I could put the other 2 points in another stat?

    Thx for your help!
    Last edited by Gwendor; 04-04-2010 at 03:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Sinni's Avatar
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    to be honest i think your stats are distributed way too much and/or in the wrong ones.

    your str is too low to deal decent melee damage and your wis is too low for a decent spell DC. on top of that your dex is too high (more than 17 is pretty much a waste for your idea) as is cha for a melee focused build.

    the best you can do now without rerolling or lesser reincarnation would be:
    put the 3 points you get on lvl 12, 16 and 20 into str. you don't need to invest in cha, yes you'll need 19 cha for lvl 9 spells, but items and enhancments also count towards this.
    as for feats: take imp crit, imp 2wf and greater 2wf

    but i'm afraid that char will be pretty close to gimped
    maybe there is a better way to fix it by a splash, but i don't really have experience with that.

    and btw: yes it is possible to make a melee/healer fvs or a caster/healer fvs, but you can't make one that covers all 3 roles (at least not with 32 points) in a useful manner. and your stat distribution looks just like the latter.

  3. #3
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    I agree Dex is too high. When I started out I was not planning on any Tomes and I still wanted the Improved Two Weapon Fighting feat. I was under the impression that unmodded CHA was used for spells (like for feats it is unmodded stat right?). I would have started with lower CHA if I had known it wasn't.

    Well as I said, I don't need to be the best of the server with my first toon. Can I switch it around to a fairly good healer who deals a bit of damage in Melee. I mean, if I'd focus on Healing (which most parties seem to want anyways) what should I do then?

    P.S. What does lesser Reincarnation do?

    P.P.S. NM I found out what Lesser Reincarnation does. I will considder it if I feel convinced my char is really better of that way. Can you tell me what it costs? I know the item from the DDO store, but does it cost anything else as well?
    Last edited by Gwendor; 04-04-2010 at 06:33 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Sinni's Avatar
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    for feats it is base + level up + tomes
    for anything else (including spells) enhancments and items are considered as well

    no, lesser reincarnation does't cost anything else. you keep your favor, items, xp and so on. tomes are reapplied automatically if you reach the min lvl (so with your +2 to all tome you'll get +1 to all stats at lvl 3 and another +1 at lvl 7). you can just redo all your level ups (so feats and skills) and distributed you starting stats again. if oyu don't want to change the classes you took you can fix any build mistake you made

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I am still not sure if I want to do that. But if I do: Could you direct me to a decent Melee/Healer FvS build, or give me the pointers yourself?

  6. #6
    Community Member Sinni's Avatar
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    by doing a quick search i haven't found any pure 2wf build and myself i don't have experience with melee fvs

    here what i can tell you:
    start attributes:
    16 str or more, all lvl ups here
    15 dex (with the tome you already have it is 17 which qualifies you for the 2wf feats)
    at least 14 con
    wis can be dumped (= 8)
    int too (= 8)
    cha: if you start with 12 you get +2 from your tome +3 fvs enhancments +2 capstone = 19. plus an item, but this way you can still cast lvl 9 spells when your cha item is hit by mordenkaines. or you could start with 11 and add the human enhancment too (or use the human one and only +2 from fvs, which will save you 4 AP)

    the stats above use up 28 points, so if you have 32 pointers available you can use them to your liking

    skill wise make sure you got concentration maxed, you have 1 more skillpoint available and another one from lvl 7 on (due to your tome)

    feats (not in order): power attack, toughness, 2 weapon fighting, improved 2 weapon fighting, greater 2 weapon fighting, imp crit
    that leaves 2 feats open. take what you like here. interesting feats are kopesh proficiency, oversized 2 weapon fighting and the metamagics

    as i said, i have no experience with melee fvs, but this is how i would build one.

    and i understand if you don't want to spend the money for lesser reincarnation, so here is my advice: go on playing your current build (you know my advice on how to spend the remaining feats and attributes) and if you feel you are not doing enough damage or otherwise too weak then you can still consider doing a lesser reincarnation.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Thx, I have just reincarnated and my STR is now 5 points higher than it was before. I have chosen Maximize Healing and Extend Spell as my Meta Magic Feats, but I may swap Extend Spell later (at high lvl) for Power Attack. (I also took Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, so I should be one feat short if I follow your list.)

    I hope this will work out and thx for your help!
    Last edited by Gwendor; 04-07-2010 at 03:42 AM.

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