[1000pp] Clever Goggles (+3 INT) {ML 7}
[2500pp] Clever Goggles (+5 INT) {ML 11}
[1600pp] Goggles of Minute Seeing (+11 Search) {ML 9 || RQ: Human / UMD: 16}
[3600pp] Goggles of Minute Seeing (+13 Search) {ML 13}
[5000pp] Goggles of Minute Seeing (+15 Search) {ML 15}
[2500pp] Goggles of Disabling (+11 Disable) {ML 11}
[2500pp] Goggles of Escape (+11 Unlock) {ML 11}

[15000pp] +2 Improved Cursespewing Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Precision {ML 16}
[10000pp] +3 Frost Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Greater Ooze Bane {ML 12}
[7000pp] +1 Weakening Densewood Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Precision {ML 10}
[7000pp] +1 Cursespewing Darkwood Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Slowburst {ML 10}

All prices are at listed price and are negotiable. Feel free to ask any questions needed.