was looking for opinions. im a fairly new player and want a good solo character. i just cant seem to pass up some of the cleric healing though. so im wondering if a 13monk / 7cleric would be viable end game. or maybe 13fighter/7cleric.
was looking for opinions. im a fairly new player and want a good solo character. i just cant seem to pass up some of the cleric healing though. so im wondering if a 13monk / 7cleric would be viable end game. or maybe 13fighter/7cleric.
This depends upon what you mean by solo toon.
If you are looking for dps, Ranger/monk - but heavy on Ranger works rather well.
If you are looking for a self heal melee FvS/Monk as does Pal/Monk. Although, you would want to do Pal/Monk if you are going after undead a lot.
If you are looking for a melee healer - FvS/Monk or Cle/Monk work fine but again, you are heavy on the FvS or Cle.
Personally, you should do fine with just a Light Path Monk. There are several builds on the forums and one should fit your playstyle.
I would not advice a heavy monk build to a new player. Max the 2 levels for AC/Evasion.
OP, here's a build i put together on that basis:
She was pretty fun to level, though admittedly, i havent really used her since she got to 15th level. Her dps is pretty low now I've gotten her to gianthold, and is having trouble soloing even the exporer area there due to enemy HPs
As for end-game.. i'd say that although she would technically be capable of contributing (monk healing ki with superior potency, empower heal & healing boost plus crit chance enhancements makes for a surprisingly potent mass cure in combat while boss-beating, taking some weight off healers), it'd never be great without some serious gear grinding, and even then will be behind a lot of the optimised builds.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
If you're going to have cleric levels, it's advisable to not have less than 17 cleric. 1-7 levels of cleric really doesn't get you much which you couldn't have by splashing other classes (or going heavily into Ranger). 11 cleric brings BladeBarrier, which is very nice... and if you're going that far, it's best to keep going at least to 17 cleric. The lower level cleric spellset isn't really going to cut it at higher levels, and there are other ways to use wands and scrolls, giving you most of the benefits of the cleric class.
Monk is a different set of issues. Monk splashes of 1-3 monk are quite useful and powerful in various ways. Less common are splashes of 7 monk for solo builds. In my opinion, more monk than that means that you'd get more out of your character by staying pure monk than by mixing any other classes in.
Better build breakdowns for soloability for a new player would be:
- 18 Cleric / 2 Monk (or 17 Cleric / 3 Monk, i.e. the solo-focused, melee-capable cleric type)
- 18 Ranger / 1 Monk / 1 Rogue (i.e. the Exploiter build type)
- 18 Wizard / 2 Rogue (Warforged, i.e. the shadow mage type)
All three of these have drastically different playstyles, but are soloable quite well without oodles of the best gear already. It sounds like the Exploiter build would work best for the OP, since it brings melee focus as well as access to divine wands, with rogue skills and UMD as bonuses.
Last edited by FauxSho; 04-16-2010 at 12:52 PM. Reason: For solo build suggestions.
Originally Posted by Angelus_dead
11 Cleric/9 Monk might be fun, but I don't recommend it for a new player.
"I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674
Bear in mind that a light path monk already gets healing from Fists of Light and their healing ki finisher at lvl 3, as well as various buffing & restorative effects along the way; and all monks get free self-healing from Wholeness of Body at lvl 7. Furthermore, a halfling monk could take the Dragonmark feats for extra healing. If healing is the only thing you want from cleric, it may not be necessary.
To start off, unless you have a 32 point build, and are able to provide compensating equipment, this build will be an exercise in frustration, (I know, as I have tried a similar build) as you will spend far more time on the AH trying to overcome your disadvantages then you will ever spend trying to advance the levels. To warn you from the outset, this will be a very gear intensive build to make work, to say the least.
But, here is the upside, it will be a lot of fun to play at the lower levels, it just will not level up with grace and growth, in fact, just the opposite will happen, the split as you have put it, will make it weaker as you go up levels compared to a pure build, and even worse then some more established builds out there, like the 2/18 monk/cleric build.
But, hey, it's game, so make this build and go play with it. If you like and make it to a decent level, come back here and tell us all about it.
I am going to take Cleric to 6th, Rogue to 10, and keep Monk at 4.
This is her stats in wind stance.