Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen
You're out again? Weren't you just out like 2 minutes ago? 0.o
Take care Brenna.
It's been a pleasure......
I'll miss you Brenna. Take care
I don't need to walk on water when I know that I can run on wine.
Brenna it's been a great pleasure to know you and to be ingame with one of the best Rogue players in DDO.
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.
Sad panda...
Ascent, Argonnessen ~ Cleatus Yogurthawker | Isostatic Rebound | Mohorovicic Discontinuity | Angular Unconformity
Ghalanda ~ Feldspathic Greywacke
I don't play on argo, but will miss you on the rogue forums. I want to thank you for all your contributions to and knowledge in the rogue class that you so readily shared. Safe travels.
Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
Lyrandar 2006 - Devourer 2007 - Thelanis 2009 - Ghallanda 2010
Thanks for being around Brenna. Stop back by and say hi sometimes.
Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
Share and Enjoy!
I come back to the game to try to find all my old Stormbringer/Unbreakable pals and they've either all left or never left and know so much more than me I feel like a moron.. Brenna you were easily one of my favorites shame you're leaving.. I never even got to learn anything from you take it easy
Thanks and good hunting.
Guild: Elite by Nature/Formally:Stormbringers & Unbreakable
Server: Argo
omg. Teamed with Brenna on epic quests for many times and I dare to say he is one of the best players on this server, and he is also the first one completed TR2.
Wish you all the best in life. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2
Nooooo don't let it be true!
Your presence on Argonnessen will be greatly missed!
Take care and all the best to you in your future journeys. Its been a pleasure to have grouped with ya!
Dahnee (Clr) - Ro Shambo (Brb) - Donnie (TR FvS) - Selector (Brd/Rog) - Synthe (Wiz)
Order of the Silver Dragons ( Argonnessen
Mhyke... +1 Nice Catch
Bren... You have to be the mellowest person I've ever played alongside. Party wipe imminent.... and that low soothing voice in my ears..."okay, here;s what we (meaning everyone else is dead...) need to do..."
Thanks for all the little things you do In Game. You will TRULY be missed both here and In Game.
Minstral of Mayhem
Aces over Kings
Sad to see you go. You make me not want to see quite every last fleshling die.
My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.
You are one of the best on Argo Brenna; I wish you the best, take care man.
Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
Main: Wizards and Healers
Officer of Unbreakable
Dear Brenna,
Did you seriously just break up with us and not even offer an explanation? When the inventor of the Polaroid Camera committed Suicide even he, a man not known for his patience, left a note explaining his sudden departure.
You've ended our relationship in such an uncharacteristic manner, so sudden, and without the calm and compassionate profundity to which we are accustom. You have left us confused.
Don't we have some right to know? Didn't we mean anything to you? Was it our bad breathe? Was our weight gain really so awful that you felt the need to run out on us like this?
Was it really Turbine? This seems unlikely with the New Update coming on Monday and the amount of time and emotional investment you had in the game and (we thought) those you played with.
The only logical conclusion a reasonable and rational person could take is that your personal life somehow came to an uncompromising conflict with your gaming.
I have to believe you are reading this, unless I am in fact correct and life has forced you away, and simply ask that you give us just cause so that we may improve and try to be better people.
With Endless Love,
Last edited by Tarrant; 04-05-2010 at 08:50 AM.
Godspeed my friend. It has been my honor to call you friend since the beginning of this game. May peace and joy be in your future wherever the breeze takes you.
The Great Gnome Conspiracy was here!