how do you build a mnk2/fvs18 on a all custom only 28 pt build with +2 tombs what start stats should i get? with a halfling race and all that other good stuff i need to know id love it if u left a post on what you think how i should make it.
how do you build a mnk2/fvs18 on a all custom only 28 pt build with +2 tombs what start stats should i get? with a halfling race and all that other good stuff i need to know id love it if u left a post on what you think how i should make it.
Last edited by southpole420; 04-02-2010 at 12:12 AM.
well, if you are getting FvS then you either have a toon with 2500 favor, thus you hae 32 point builds, or you bought FvS in the store. If you bought in the store, I would recommend getting 32 point builds in the store as well.
And it depends But, my personal favorite is an Elf dual scimitar wielding Fvs/Monk. But you can't get that with 28 build points and still offensive cast. You would have to go with: 16/15/12/8/10/13 or the like.
You could do a thf human. With: 16/8/14/8/16/10. You can still offensive cast relatively well with this.
If Melee is not a big deal and you only want the monk for the toughness feat, ac, and evasion, then a human:
10/12/14/8/18/10 would give you strong casting capability.
All level up points go to wisdom. Feats:
Toughness and Dodge (or TWF)
Emp Healing,
Extend, (or Weapon Focus)
ITWF (or spell pen 1)
GTWF(or spell pen 2)
Imp Crit (or Mental Toughness)
Depending on melee or offensive casting focus.
Skills: concentration and (later after +2 tome to int) Jump.
Enhancements: All Wisdom, Charisma and racial stat bumps, toughness class and racial enhancements, SP enhancements, Healing effectiveness, Healing Crit, Healing Crit multiplier enhancements and then whatever you want.
Thats my 2 cp. It's a lot of fun. I have one that I capped and then TR'd and am at level 17 on the TR. Very fun build. Those 4 extra build points would come in handy, though...
yea i bought it and im just going to be a wrap mnk and have the fvs for healing and mnk for evasion