Dear Turbine Decision Makers and their Potentially Influential Underlings,
Everyone knows why paladins are so gimped. And why battleclerics are rerolling to favored soul left and right instead of raising their charisma. It's because Divine Might is just not satisfying enough.
Come on, if you're so filled with might, can't you flex your biceps or something? Can't you get a backrub from a transluscent smokin' hot archangel? These paladins can barely crack a smile when they use their incredibly expensive, supposedly uber superpower. This has got to change.
Let's look at the alternatives:
- Barbarians go GRR!! OMG I AM SO STRONG! (or, if halfling, they rawr like a kitty)
- Bards go merfolk's blessing splishy splashy
- Wizards cast protection from elements megabombs
- Monks have whole array of satisfying sounds and super cute animations
- Sorcs make your screen rage red and can roast chestnuts over an open fire
- Rangers go plink plink and, plus, no one can keep up with them
- Favored souls can f****** FLY
Need I say more?
Please, Devs. Before anything else. Before airships and orcs and PrEs (OK, to clarify, before Deepwood Sniper III, but after Warchanter III). Before druid bugs, before alignment changes. This is a critical issue.
Please give paladins more satisfying animations/sounds. They are losing their faiths in Gods as we speak. With all of that charisma, they should feel uber.
Rocka (AKA Anne)