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  1. #1
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Default Future Stormreach revamps

    Since Stormreach has been getting revamped with House D, the Market, the Harbor and the old starter area as well getting a wonderful amount of effort to spruce up the city. I had some ideas to toss out for future revamps of the other areas as well as the ones you have done already.

    1) The windows on all buildings that have windows seem to be missing both depth and lack actual lighting when the darkness cycles through the city. Although not of utmost importance, it would be really nice if the windows had light pouring out to the streets some much like the great work Turbine has done with windows in LOTRO. The firey glow as though a fireplace was inside the city buildings and danced on the street outside was a very nice touch. I don't want to upset the dev's who work on such things in DDO but....the windows in game look like flat walls with windows painted on them with the same look on the inside of some buildings as well as the outside of them. Just wanted to be honest about it.

    2) Why is it that there seems to be a lack of any domesticated or some normal animals running around Stormreach, at all? No chickens, pigs, horse, flocks of birds off in the distance some, dogs or a rat scurring here or there, just...nothing. Sure, the sound effects of birds chirping but you don't ever see anything.

    3) I am not sure but I am almost positive there is no npc children running around Stormreach anywhere. Do people in Stormreach not have children or something? Not that it is important but would feel more alive with children npc's.

    4) Why does it seem that the elves in Stormreach got the short end of the stick when it comes to a House. House P which is the smallest of all the various Houses. If you plan to revamp House P at some point, any chance you all could open the greyed out area to the west and southwest that is attached to House P but is blocked from access currently? There might have been some rumors of the elves thinking about an uprising if they do not get an equal share of land space like the other houses possess.

    5) Since I doubt we will be getting a large, full world any time soon, if ever at all. Is there any chance Stormreach and all the land area surrounding the outside Stormreach for a few hundred yards at least directly from the walls outwards. From northwest and wrapping all around the the southeast to the area near the harbor lighthouse. With the hills, streams, farmhouses, ranches, etc. Make the city and area surrounding the city, more alive.
    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

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  2. #2
    Community Member Dylos_Moon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quanefel View Post
    4) Why does it seem that the elves in Stormreach got the short end of the stick when it comes to a House. House P which is the smallest of all the various Houses. If you plan to revamp House P at some point, any chance you all could open the greyed out area to the west and southwest that is attached to House P but is blocked from access currently? There might have been some rumors of the elves thinking about an uprising if they do not get an equal share of land space like the other houses possess.
    Technically the house P ward is actually the temple district of stormreach. Or that is atleast according to the City of Stormreach book, which uses the same city map as DDO (with the exception of being rotated 90 degrees). According to the map, it should be roughly the same size as oldgate (which isn't in ddo, its located between house p, and southwatch, which is also not in ddo, that would make oldgate and southwatch both to the west of the marketplace.) Southwatch would actually be where turbine put the tower to the twelve, though according to city of stormreach, the tower of the twelve is in what we know as the kundarak ward.

    Oldgate is mostly populated by Thrane (The catacombs should actually be here, not in the market), and Southwatch is mostly populated by Karnn (The temple of vol should actually be here, not in the temple ward/house p). It also seems that there's only supposed to be 1 tavern in the temple ward/house p, which would mean that the whole western wall of house p in ddo is non-canon according to the book city of stormreach. Notebly, Oldgate is not accessable from the marketplace, you must go thru the temple district or southwatch, which means that the ingame house p ward could be expanded to include Oldgate (oldgate should be all the way to behind the lordsmarch bank). If that was done, the ingame house p ward would actually become the second largest, after kundarak.
    The poster formerly known as San'tar...

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Don't make me pull this forum over and come back there

  3. #3
    Founder Bradik_Losdar's Avatar
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    Speaking of revamps, the elves really should clean up that festering cesspool of a swamp in House P.

  4. #4
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bradik_Losdar View Post
    Speaking of revamps, the elves really should clean up that festering cesspool of a swamp in House P.
    See, further proof that Stormreach is biased against the elves in the city. Is it the Coin Lords who are responsible for this unfair treatment of the good elves of Stormreach? With that festering cesspool of a swamp there but also the 2 opened areas leading right out of Stormreach with no gate to close it off from outside bandits or wandering monsters. I would not be suprised if the Coin Lords had little if any guards even assigned to patrol the walls or the House P area at all. Leaving the elves to fend off intruders from the outside.

    Why is it the only real gate in House P is on the inside leading to the western side of Stormreach near the magical reg shop and the wagon to the desert there? They might as well put a big sign that reads "Elves not Welcome" on the front of that gate since they lock it, preventing elves access to it from House P. Maybe the good elves of House P need to protest and demand an equal share of land, gates put up in the holes in their walls, access to the city west and southwest of House P and fair treatment overall from the Coin Lords.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    When are they gonna fix that M****F****** bridge in the harbor already? how much renovations would that take? Come on already people...
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  6. #6
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quanefel View Post
    See, further proof that Stormreach is biased against the elves in the city. Is it the Coin Lords who are responsible for this unfair treatment of the good elves of Stormreach? With that festering cesspool of a swamp there but also the 2 opened areas leading right out of Stormreach with no gate to close it off from outside bandits or wandering monsters. I would not be suprised if the Coin Lords had little if any guards even assigned to patrol the walls or the House P area at all. Leaving the elves to fend off intruders from the outside.

    Why is it the only real gate in House P is on the inside leading to the western side of Stormreach near the magical reg shop and the wagon to the desert there? They might as well put a big sign that reads "Elves not Welcome" on the front of that gate since they lock it, preventing elves access to it from House P. Maybe the good elves of House P need to protest and demand an equal share of land, gates put up in the holes in their walls, access to the city west and southwest of House P and fair treatment overall from the Coin Lords.

    Thats true and as a Elf lover it is saddening but then again they made a large city for dwarves with only one tavern..even the elves got two. Someone threw darts at the boards wrong when coming up with city concepts..
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  7. #7
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Thats true and as a Elf lover it is saddening but then again they made a large city for dwarves with only one tavern..even the elves got two. Someone threw darts at the boards wrong when coming up with city concepts..
    Two taverns is not enough to make up for lack of an equal space to call home. Heck, drow are not even respresented with their own house in Stormreach. Unless it is closed off by the Coin Lords purposely. Considering drow make up a good amount of the native population of Xen'Drik, you'd think they would have some pull or influence in Stormreach. Where in Stormreach is native drow culture being shown openly like the other houses or multitude of cultures from other continents who came to Stormreach seem to have within the city?

    Isn't it about time that drow and the other elves be better represented in Stormreach? Shouldn't the Coin Lords also open up the rest of Stormreach that is currently locked behind closed gates? I think so. What are they using all that plat they overcharge for AH fees for? To spruce up the harbor which by in large filled with Coin Lord businesses? The Marketplace which is mostly Coin Lord business. House D which it is widely known as the Coin Lord "muscle" acting as guards not much for the city but for Coin Lord interests. When will all that Stormreach taxes collected by the Coin Lords be more evenly used around the city other than for their personal interests? Maybe a protest is in order?

    We also know that Nat Gann did not just pick up and decide to retire. We all know who convinced him to "retire" with the help of the House D guards being heavily involved. Because of the Coin Lords he is probably swimming with the fishes in the harbor somewhere. All for speaking up against the injustices levied against Stormreach citizens by the Coin Lords. Oh, they can claim all they want they are not pirates anymore but their actions and behavior suggests otherwise.

    Also, why is the only people allowed on the outside area surrounding Stormreach tending all the farms, nice and safe professions handed out to other Coin Lord members while everyone else is forced to strap on a weapon to be sent out into the dangerous wilds of Xen'drik to bring treasure back to Stormreach which they then heavly tax if we try to sell them. No one is even allowed to take up crafting professions unless you pay a high fee for it AND be a member of the Coin Lords. Try to craft something simple as a wooden bow and they send the guards after you. When is it enough for citizens of Stormreach to be treated fairly by these unrepentent pirates that are the Coin Lords?

    Last edited by Quanefel; 04-02-2010 at 01:00 AM.
    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

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  8. #8
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    My friend you just may stir up a revolt power to the pointy ears!
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  9. #9
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    My friend you just may stir up a revolt power to the pointy ears!
    I sure hope so.
    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

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  10. #10
    Community Member Ormindo's Avatar
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    I just find 1 and 2 awesome. I never saw LOTRO windows, but from what you say, those seems nice !

    Also, one thing that would make DDO simply addictive is wild life. Okay, we have "monsters" outside. But I'm talking of hogs, gazelles, (real) birds, all those things. I think that hunting with a bow in a forest, tracking a gazelle would be AWESOME ! Also for romantic BBQ in the forest.

  11. #11
    Founder Bradik_Losdar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    When are they gonna fix that M****F****** bridge in the harbor already? how much renovations would that take? Come on already people...
    Haha! So true good lady!!!!

    I have jumped over that gap so many times crossing that hazard of a bridge, it's a subconscious action now - so much so that I seem to have blocked it's danger from memory.

    Harbormaster Zin got his much need help from us concerning his kobold problem, it's high time he pressured the Coin Lords (maybe another embargo?) to fix that <insert Samuel L. Jackson signature expletive> bridge!

  12. #12
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    I say we start an elven council committee and see our issues addressed, It worked for housing

    And yeah that harbor bridge has been that way for awhile im telling you Coin lords you wont be taxing my loot anymore if I dont see renovations!
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  13. #13
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    I say we start an elven council committee and see our issues addressed, It worked for housing

    And yeah that harbor bridge has been that way for awhile im telling you Coin lords you wont be taxing my loot anymore if I dont see renovations!
    I think that just might be a good idea.

    And that bridge, how many people have to navigate that shoddy made bridge and get hurt before they put a new one there?

    Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.

    A is A. -John Galt

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