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  1. #1
    Community Member Quanefel's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Vale of Twilight location

    Although this is of minor importance, I was wondering if the Xen'drik in-game map was messed up or maybe an oversight by the dev's. What I am referring to is that although the world map shows that the Vale of Twilight as being located hundreds of miles to the south-eastern part of Xen'drik near the Tempest Spine mountain range, the view of the aqueduct running to and from the Vale and the Tower of Twelve area shows it appears to be located a bit north of the Twelve location.

    Also one more thing. The close up in-game map of the Stormreach area shows Searing Heights slayer area located clearly on the western side of the 12 area with Stormreach located just east the 12 area. The problem, is if that is so then how is it even possible for the Searing Heights area show that once you go through the gate into the area, that the outside walls of Stormreach are right there at the entrance to the area. It should probably be located on the map nudged between the 12 area and Curlean Hills slayer area. Since if you are in Searing Heights at the northern part of the area, it shows over a small mountian range....the floating towers in the 12 area. The 12 area though shows up on the map of being east of it. So....

    Just curious and wanted to bring this to someone's attention. Thanks.
    Last edited by Quanefel; 04-01-2010 at 08:28 AM.
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