I'm going to buy the $20 pt package and was wondering if the Veteran status item is worth it or should I save my pts on adventure packs?
Also which adventure packs are the best to get? I have a paly lvl5 and a rogue lvl4.
I'm going to buy the $20 pt package and was wondering if the Veteran status item is worth it or should I save my pts on adventure packs?
Also which adventure packs are the best to get? I have a paly lvl5 and a rogue lvl4.
Buy packs while starting at level 4 is nice not having all content will limit your play a little as to packs not sure what they cost since I am VIP but lets see I say at least these three if you can get them all and the fourth if you can get it there is probaly more but not sure what else you should get
1. tangleroot you can use this now and proably can solo it if you want to do so pretty good loot and explorer slayer area.
2. gianthold cant really use this until lvl 10 but will give a lot of play after that
3. the vale of twilight this will give stuff for after gianthold and contains the sub as well
4. delera's or sorrowdusk are nice to have delera's before sorrowdusk this is some stuff you could play now as well has nice loot and delera's has the voice of the master
Beware the Sleepeater
The savings you current get and massive amount of extra TP you get from the $49.99 bundle, I implore you to bite the bullet and get those. You'll not regret it!
If you only get a $20 worth, then avoid any premium options and go for Adventure Packs.
Totally agree.
If you're determined to be only buying $20 worth of points, then you'll end up with 1550 (I think?) You simply MUST buy Vale of Twilight as your first pack.
A lot of people will disagree, and you'll be waiting a long time to actually be able to play it (you'll need to be level 14 to enter - which will take a while without any other packs). Cost 520 on sale (20%).
Following that, you'll probably want to make sure you get 2 other adventure packs with your remaining 1030 points. So Gianthold is out - it's a good pack, but too expensive for your budget.
You'll want something that can level you through the upper mids (ie 10-14) so that you can actually get into Vale.
Demon Sands is not a bad bridge, and it's got Epic content for endgame. Only snag is that it costs 560 on sale (20%) - so that would leave you 470 points.
Take Sorrowdusk Isle - on sale it's only 360, it's good for levelling, and it's good for earning favor - which will be insanely useful in getting yourself another pack.
Those 3 packs leave you with 110 to spend - enjoyl.
If you're on a budget don't spend points on Veteran status. You're going to want to do all the level 1-3 quests for favor anyways, and the exp from them will get you to level 4.
As to adventure packs, check out this link: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=199945
I forget how much the $20 package gets you, but if it's enough.....Gianthold and The Vale are the hands down winner for what to purchase.
They are still probably the two most popular and accessible areas in the game and will get you all the way to level 20 along with the F2P content.
Not only that, but you will easily unlock 1000 favor on any server if u have both of those packs. DON'T buy vet status if ur on a budget, u'll be kicking urself for it later, in fact I would not even recommend buying it if u weren't on a budget.
If ur going to purchase anything outside of packs, wf'ed and shared bank would be my recommendation.