Does *class level* affect DCs?
I often see losing 1 DC as a reason not to splash, but it appears that only the *spell* level matters, not the class level.
From ddowiki:
DC in equation form:
10 + Spell Level + Casting Stat Modifier + Items + Feats = DC
Player A is a level 20 wizard casting Finger of Death, a level 7 Necromancy spell with a Fortitude Save. She has a 40 INT, for a +15 modifier. She has Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy, for +2 to DCs of her Necromancy spells. She is also wearing a Stormreaver's Napkin, for +1 to her DCs. She is using Heighten Spell to bring the level of the Finger of Death to level 9.
Plugging this into the above equation, we get:
10 + 9 (Spell Level with Heighten) + 15 (Modifier) + 1 (Napkin) + 2 (Feats) = 37
So the mob has to make a 37 Fortitude Save or die.
No mention of class level.