I'm thinking of buying the PAX bundle, and purchasing everything so I can go from VIP to Premium. 100$ gives me 2 PAX bundles (6900 points for $49.99) = 13800 points
Allows me to buy:
von 750
amrath 650
dreaming dark 450
path of inspiration 450
reaver's refuge 350
vale and subterranean 650
gianthold 950
desert 850
Necro 4 850
warforged 595
fvs (already bought)
monk 795
shared bank 1495
6 more character spots for a total of 10 595x6 = 3570
TOTAL: 12405 Points to unlock everything I want.
-3000 points I have accumulated from VIP
So for 100$, I get everything I want, and have 4,395 points left over for LR's and future mods. Since I am currently paying 15$ a month, going Premium will actually save me money after 7 months. What do you think? Is my logic correct here? Should I go Premium... I have to decide tonight while the PAX bundle is still active.