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  1. #1

    Default A DDO massive blog-ish project (interested in being a part of it? look inside)


    Lets call it project J for now, until it finally gets actually released to the public.

    Have you thought to yourself, that you have something to say to the DDO community - an opinion, a tip or whatnot?
    Currently Im trying to gather a small bunch of eager people who would be willing to take part in a project that would, perhaps in the near future, be one of the leading DDO fansites out there.
    If you are an avid user of myddo, but don't feel that your posts are reaching their full potential, then perhaps you should consider joining project J and with enough people on board I am sure we can get the ball rolling.
    Want people to know what you think of something or perhaps you have a diffferent view of the game and its aspects then you should contact me in the forum or via e-mail at .

    Or if you have any questions regarding the project J feel free to post them here. But a huge chunk of the information will not be revealed until the project itself has been released.

  2. #2
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    So this would be a blog site for people to talk about ddo? Are you sure you want to release that kinda ranting? I would be interested in such since I do use myddo to blog about the game with a mixture of real life, but I must warn that I am not always a fan of the changes/updates Turbine puts out. I try to be objective but when I am passionate about something It comes out. I just wonder if this is going to be like a news site with editorials or the like.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    So this would be a blog site for people to talk about ddo? Are you sure you want to release that kinda ranting? I would be interested in such since I do use myddo to blog about the game with a mixture of real life, but I must warn that I am not always a fan of the changes/updates Turbine puts out. I try to be objective but when I am passionate about something It comes out. I just wonder if this is going to be like a news site with editorials or the like.
    a mix of a news site and a blog would be what Im thinking of at the moment.
    Ofcourse complete rants without any points of thought will not be tolerated, but clearly people will not want to read how a bunch of guys are in love with Turbine and agree with everything they do, whether it is launching a new patch or having their office door replaced.

    So if after reading this you still feel interested, send me a PM or e-mail at


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