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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Most Sought After Class for Parties

    Which ist the class in DDO that party leaders have most trouble finding?
    Because they bring most to the table for a party,
    and/or because least players choose this class.
    I'm looking forward to some interesting insights here, as I thought I might take the "supply and demand" question into account for class selection as well.

  2. #2
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    I won't say one class is more sought after than another because every class has something to offer to a well balanced group. However, for raids I usually find that my groups end up waiting on healers or bards for the last spots to fill.

  3. #3
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    healers and rogues at low level, healers and bards at high level

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Good Players are sought out the most.

    Class does not matter. Good players are far superior to any class.

  5. #5
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    1) Healer... hands down. No question wins by a landslide. Cleric followed by FvS.
    2) Arcane Caster
    3) Rogue

    ...classes that fill specific party roles. These are the roles a party will often wait around to fill.

  6. #6
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorz View Post
    Good Players are sought out the most.

    Class does not matter. Good players are far superior to any class.
    While this is most definitely true if you have a raid full of good players who also all happen to be barbarians it's still going to be pretty hard to complete

  7. #7
    Community Member zorander6's Avatar
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    As a level 11 cleric if I'm not anonymous I don't have to look for groups usually.

  8. #8
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    healers hands down.
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
    Main: Sharess
    Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella

  9. #9
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    Healers, but you dont have to wait long usually.

    The longest waiting is for Inti VoD Orthon Tanks or good Bards for hound usually

  10. #10
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    In my short time for hosting parties I find that in this order, I have trouble finding characters:

    Trap Monkey - Possibly the toughest type of character to find is someone to disable the traps and unlock the doors. Trap Monkeys are far and in between, so it can be a bit of a challange at the lower levels to survive the traps. It gets better though at higher levels all the way to level 20. Rogue obviously.

    Healer - Depends on quest but usually I look for a Healer to get by in quests. Depending on the Quest and it's difficulty though. Where only some healing is needed, I prefer Bards as their songs and versatility is quite desireable. However for heavier needs, a cleric or favored soul may be necessary. Mostly a problem at higher levels. Clerics, Favored Souls, and Bards, but may be doable by Paladins and Rangers if they have high Wisdom for some reason..

    Melee DPS - It is possibly a great annoyance to have to find decent Melee DPS. The Boss with the bloody Damage Reduction, or simply the god awful lethalness if left standing too long. It's made worse when you have to find someone with the proper weaponry, or just high enough 2h damage to beat them down. The only saving grace is that many classes can be Melee DPS, from Assassins to Warchanters and so forth. This starts to get to become a problem more so from the middle levels onward. Rogues, Bards, Barbarians, Fighters, Paladins, Monks, Rangers - if they melee, then they are in here.

    Spellcaster - A Firewall, a Charm, just some useful buffs. Spellcasters are sometimes needed to pick up the slack where Brute force and healing may not be enough. Additionally they may be important as Warforged Healers in some cases as well, due to the power of reconstruct. They are needed at all levels, but more quest specific then other classes. Pertains mostly to Wizard, Sorcerers, and Bards.

    Melee AC/Intimidate/Hate Tank - The other flip of he coin, sometimes it isn't the DPS that is a problem, but having the guy who will either absorb or hold the mob. The problem with these guys is that it is compounded with the fact that they need gear to make them viable at higher levels, so from the mid levels on you start to have problems. Pertains to Fighters and Paladins, but can also be done by Barbarians, Monks, and Rogues if they have skills or equipment.

    Ressurection Character - Maybe perhaps it isn't a question of healing but Ressurecting. You can't really rez people until you level 6 with a Paladin, and thne of course later on with Clerics, Favored Souls, and just UMD Rez scrolls. More of a problem before Clerics get the spell, in quests where you need a lot of ressurections going, or just one other person to raise the Healer. Paladins, Clerics, Favored Souls, or anyone with high enough UMD for Raise Dead Scrolls.

    Ranged DPS - Sometimes you need that DPS at a Range rather then at melee. This is usually more of a problem early on as Rangers will get multishot at level 6, and have some decent bow at their disposal. This is mostly a few and far between need though. Rangers, but also Fighters, or Repeating Xbow Users.

    Multipurpose Character - Sometiems you need someone who can perform multiple activties, like disarming traps and spell casting, melee dps and hate generation, DPS of some sort with heals, etc. This is more important at higher levels where people are expected to do mutliple things, but sometimes it is also expected at lower or mid levels. Usually refers to Multiclassed characters but can also refer to pure characters as well.

    It should be realized that I am a F2P LFM man who doesn't run Epic runs yet as well, so take that into consideration as well.

  11. #11
    Community Member sultanica's Avatar
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    definitely healers

    I'm on for a few minutes and get invites throughout the time I'm online.

  12. #12
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    here is my list.

    #1 - Healers, definitely the hardest to find especially for mid level quests. Easier to find on level 17 - 20 quests, because usually each player has about 2 (clr, FvS) toons and after leveling them up to 20, they aren't building another one soon. TR changed this a bit, but not much. Thats why I always carry at least 100 heal pot on all of my toons.

    #1 - also #1 are Intim Tanks for bosses. Good 1s I mean. Intim Tanks for trash mobs are way easier to find, if ever needed.

    #2 - Bards, this class just isn't every1's cup of tea.

    #3 - Trap Monkey, they usually come back very quick due to all the rogue splash trappers. But Elite or Epic traps are a different story.

    #4 - Arcane Casters, usually don't have to wait long. It might take longer if a specific spell is required.

    #xxx dead last on the list - DPS, close your eyes and reach out....

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavionFuxa View Post
    Trap Monkey - Possibly the toughest type of character to find is someone to disable the traps and unlock the doors. Trap Monkeys are far and in between, so it can be a bit of a challange at the lower levels to survive the traps. It gets better though at higher levels all the way to level 20. Rogue obviously.
    Trap monkeys aren't needed to do any content in this game. Timing and Mario skills are all you need.

    Class does not matter. Good players are far superior to any class.
    ^^ This. Play what you want.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

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