Epic mode's been out for a while, and no matter how uB3R you are, you've failed an Epic quest...so, what are your most memorable/funny/agitating failures?
I have two that make me laugh every time I think of them.
1. It was about a week into when they gave the VoN series the Epic treatment, and we all ported in to VoN 6 and were handling the bases fine and just about had them prepped when 2 of the 3 clerics died.
Me: "What happened guys?"
Cleric1: "I just got blown off the platform"
Cleric2: "Me too"
We went ahead and finished prepping the bases and got them all down and the one cleric and bard were ok doing all the healing, so we ported back to Home and everyone moved to the right...except the bard and the cleric...

Got them up and everyone re-buffed, then we headed into the Lair except someone was lagging behind, so we all got in finally but because we waited so long for that last dps guy to get in, we were meteor swarmed and the whole part wiped.
2. This is my personal favorite. Last week, we had a caster, who won't be named, pretty much single-handedly wipe the entire party while on the bases. Basically, we ported in to VoN 6, and after I gave directions and assignments started off. We got fire prepped and I like to basically do a quick countdown before everyone heads off to the next base, just so we're all on the same page. Well...I never had the chance, as everyone ran off. So I started heading that way and when I got to 2nd base, everyone was dieing...
The caster was spamming meteor swarm!!!

Me: *** are you doing?
Caster: I'm blind man!
Me: But why are you spamming meteor swarm at fascinate mobs?
Caster: Because I'm blind man!
<insert 37 ways to use the word: f*ck and other insulting terms>