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  1. #1
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Default The Best Epic Fails!

    Epic mode's been out for a while, and no matter how uB3R you are, you've failed an Epic, what are your most memorable/funny/agitating failures?

    I have two that make me laugh every time I think of them.

    1. It was about a week into when they gave the VoN series the Epic treatment, and we all ported in to VoN 6 and were handling the bases fine and just about had them prepped when 2 of the 3 clerics died.

    Me: "What happened guys?"
    Cleric1: "I just got blown off the platform"
    Cleric2: "Me too"

    We went ahead and finished prepping the bases and got them all down and the one cleric and bard were ok doing all the healing, so we ported back to Home and everyone moved to the right...except the bard and the cleric...

    Got them up and everyone re-buffed, then we headed into the Lair except someone was lagging behind, so we all got in finally but because we waited so long for that last dps guy to get in, we were meteor swarmed and the whole part wiped.

    2. This is my personal favorite. Last week, we had a caster, who won't be named, pretty much single-handedly wipe the entire party while on the bases. Basically, we ported in to VoN 6, and after I gave directions and assignments started off. We got fire prepped and I like to basically do a quick countdown before everyone heads off to the next base, just so we're all on the same page. Well...I never had the chance, as everyone ran off. So I started heading that way and when I got to 2nd base, everyone was dieing...

    The caster was spamming meteor swarm!!!

    Me: *** are you doing?
    Caster: I'm blind man!
    Me: But why are you spamming meteor swarm at fascinate mobs?
    Caster: Because I'm blind man!

    <insert 37 ways to use the word: **** and other insulting terms>


    Last edited by Tarrant; 03-29-2010 at 02:25 PM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belwaar View Post
    Epic mode's been out for a while, and no matter how uB3R you are, you've failed an Epic, what are your most memorable/funny/agitating failures?

    I have two that make me laugh every time I think of them.

    1. It was about a week into when they gave the VoN series the Epic treatment, and we all ported in to VoN 6 and were handling the bases fine and just about had them prepped when 2 of the 3 clerics died.

    Me: "What happened guys?"
    Cleric1: "I just got blown off the platform"
    Cleric2: "Me too"

    We went ahead and finished prepping the bases and got them all down and the one cleric and bard were ok doing all the healing, so we ported back to Home and everyone moved to the right...except the bard and the cleric...

    Got them up and everyone re-buffed, then we headed into the Lair except someone was lagging behind, so we all got in finally but because we waited so long for that last dps guy to get in, we were meteor swarmed and the whole part wiped.

    2. This is my personal favorite. Last week, we had a caster, who won't be named, pretty much single-handedly wipe the entire party while on the bases. Basically, we ported in to VoN 6, and after I gave directions and assignments started off. We got fire prepped and I like to basically do a quick countdown before everyone heads off to the next base, just so we're all on the same page. Well...I never had the chance, as everyone ran off. So I started heading that way and when I got to 2nd base, everyone was dieing...

    The caster was spamming meteor swarm!!!

    Me: *** are you doing?
    Caster: I'm blind man!
    Me: But why are you spamming meteor swarm at fascinate mobs?
    Caster: Because I'm blind man!

    <insert 37 ways to use the word: f*ck and other insulting terms>


    And people wonder why I just go ahead and run over the side.

  3. #3
    Community Member Slink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stainer View Post
    And people wonder why I just go ahead and run over the side.
    omg lmao dreamler, you freekin rock dude.(or fall like one as the case may be)
    SidekickzDysmoniaEilisia PSSC

  4. #4
    Community Member Boldrin's Avatar
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    Hmm, blindness for that caster must make him ******** too, lol.. I think someone hit him with touch of idiocy in RL.
    Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
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  5. #5
    Community Member Daigaioh's Avatar
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    becasue anyone who knows better is wearing blindess ward goggles or at least is smart enough to carry pots.

  6. #6
    Community Member Anati's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belwaar View Post

    2. This is my personal favorite. Last week, we had a caster, who won't be named, pretty much single-handedly wipe the entire party while on the bases. Basically, we ported in to VoN 6, and after I gave directions and assignments started off. We got fire prepped and I like to basically do a quick countdown before everyone heads off to the next base, just so we're all on the same page. Well...I never had the chance, as everyone ran off. So I started heading that way and when I got to 2nd base, everyone was dieing...

    The caster was spamming meteor swarm!!!

    Me: *** are you doing?
    Caster: I'm blind man!
    Me: But why are you spamming meteor swarm at fascinate mobs?
    Caster: Because I'm blind man!

    <insert 37 ways to use the word: **** and other insulting terms>


    And as the bard who fascinated the mephits that got meteor swarmed. It was awesome. I told Belwaar that I don't think I've heard that many **** words strung together in one exchange in a long time. All I could say afterwards was "Wow, just wow."

    Sign me up again, Bel!

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  7. #7
    Community Member Lifeblood's Avatar
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    not suitable for all ages. parental supervision advised

    "Come on folks its easy" Tico 20 Cleric, Montico Arti, Longlife 18/2 Ranger/monk, Jaaomae wc 20, Teeco Cleric

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belwaar View Post
    The caster was spamming meteor swarm!!!

    Me: *** are you doing?
    Caster: I'm blind man!
    Me: But why are you spamming meteor swarm at fascinate mobs?
    Caster: Because I'm blind man!

    <insert 37 ways to use the word: **** and other insulting terms>


    This just made my day...I wish you screened this, or videoed it, it just seems too stupid to believe. Lol...

  9. #9
    Community Member InfidelofHaLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anati View Post
    And as the bard who fascinated the mephits that got meteor swarmed. It was awesome. I told Belwaar that I don't think I've heard that many **** words strung together in one exchange in a long time. All I could say afterwards was "Wow, just wow."

    Sign me up again, Bel!

    bah does that mean i have to step it up again nati :? oh well back to my old ways!!

  10. #10
    Community Member Krag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belwaar View Post
    2. This is my personal favorite. Last week, we had a caster, who won't be named, pretty much single-handedly wipe the entire party while on the bases. Basically, we ported in to VoN 6, and after I gave directions and assignments started off. We got fire prepped and I like to basically do a quick countdown before everyone heads off to the next base, just so we're all on the same page. Well...I never had the chance, as everyone ran off. So I started heading that way and when I got to 2nd base, everyone was dieing...

    The caster was spamming meteor swarm!!!

    Me: *** are you doing?
    Caster: I'm blind man!
    Me: But why are you spamming meteor swarm at fascinate mobs?
    Caster: Because I'm blind man!

    <insert 37 ways to use the word: **** and other insulting terms>

    Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer

  11. #11
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anati View Post
    Sign me up again, Bel!
    See ya tonight!
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  12. #12
    Community Member Skani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belwaar View Post
    Me: *** are you doing?
    Caster: I'm blind man!
    Me: But why are you spamming meteor swarm at fascinate mobs?
    Caster: Because I'm blind man!
    Wow. That guy may have ~14 lvl fighter alt, cause I heard same, totally stupid excuse earlier. VoN3 elite on lowbies, s*it hit the fan at Marut, and when we tried to get him back to the FW/wall, guy start to chase Marut (who had aggro on caster, so everything was ok) and swing at him. When he got aggro he stopped, still swinging, and died soon after. And the answer for "*** are you doing?" was same: "Cause I was blind man! I could get him, I have 30STR, but I was blind!" shouted via voice chat. /facepalm. And whats weird, guy is from guild that I wasnt expect behavior like that.

    Sorry for little OT
    Last edited by Skani; 03-30-2010 at 10:15 AM.
    MR. NOOB
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  13. #13
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skani View Post
    "Cause I was blind man! I could get him, I have 30STR, but I was blind!" shouted via voice chat.
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  14. #14
    Community Member jcTharin's Avatar
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    i remember getting blinded in the pit with my low level toon. it was fun. i wonder what it looked like to the other people
    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    i remember getting blinded in the pit with my low level toon. it was fun. i wonder what it looked like to the other people
    I'd wager at first looked like a halfling, then a hamster, then it looked like an ant, and then it looked like a small splash of lava really really far down.

  16. #16
    Community Member Anati's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InfidelofHaLL View Post
    bah does that mean i have to step it up again nati :? oh well back to my old ways!!
    Infi, I think that even you would have been impressed with the string of expletives in that quest. I'm not saying you couldn't rival it, in fact, I'm sure you could've added a few.

    Hey, Bel, toss Infi, here, an invite.
    Officer and Member of the Loreseekers, Khyber
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  17. #17
    Community Member Durion's Avatar
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    Myself and a guildie were running OOB Epic with 4 people from another "well known"/un-named Khyber Raiding guild. We were collecting tokens so going for completion.

    After dredging all the way through the quest (where 2 seals dropped for Spectral Gloves) we finally made it to the end.

    Party Leader: "Drop the bowl so we can get out of here."

    His Guidlie: "I can't."

    PL: "***, why?"

    HG: "I needed inventory space to pick up my loot."

    PL: "OK"

    HG: "I destroyed the bowl."

    So hoping Turbine would take pity for his, um, lack of intelligence, him and the party leader contacted a GM.

    BTW, GM's don't take pity.
    Durtyy-Barbarian 20 Durrty-Cleric 18 Durion - TR Rogue 20 Duurty-Bard 20 Ddurty-Favored Soul 5

  18. #18
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Not a wipe but close.

    EV6 the other night.On dragon. Guildie of mine who hasnt been playing much is on his caster. Im meleeing the dragon. We put non melee on the rock to the left as you run in. Someone calls inferno (sarlona term for some reason) and i swing a few more times then turn to run back.

    As im turning I hear a bunch of profanities in english and mandrin come over the chat. I look and my guildie has greased the entire area around the safe spot. I put on fom boots and go hide, but about 6 melee never made it. Im cracking up, some people are calling for break enchant, others are calling to move to the other rock, still others are calling for a res, then i hear, "inferno" so i turn around and run back, guess whats still all over the safe spot. And im not talking like 1 grease, im talking halfway to the dragon practically. We go down to three lol. Clerics ended up getting everyone back up, but i couldnt stop laughing. Freakin hilarious. I think GFunk wanted to crawl under a rock.

    Turns out he thought he was tossing a heal scroll on himself, when in reality he was lubing up the dragons lair, for what purpose i have no idea.

    Good times
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  19. #19
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    No seriously, id have payed good gold for a video or even screenshots of the log with that caster incident. Sounded like S Class gold.

  20. #20
    Community Member Belwaar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anati View Post
    Infi, I think that even you would have been impressed with the string of expletives in that quest. I'm not saying you couldn't rival it, in fact, I'm sure you could've added a few.

    Hey, Bel, toss Infi, here, an invite.
    Ya know...I told him he was a ******* ******..and then after his initial retort...I squelched him, and did a /faceplam about 8 times So in truth...he might have just been going off...but I didn't want to hear it, nor did I.
    Last edited by Belwaar; 03-31-2010 at 09:10 AM.
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