or just outside Fair Trades
this is a no brainer
or just outside Fair Trades
this is a no brainer
Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
Yeah, it was bad when the most substantial impact of the "beautification" to House Deneith was to move the teleporter further away.
This is a better solution (allowing everyone to have their own location list):
I would agree that the Denith location is the least useful of the 4 house ports, but the whole teleport system needs a major revamp.
Folks keep on "suggesting" being able to pick your own teleport spots, which I think is far fetched, as it seems likely to be a coding nightmare, or they'd have done it.
What I keep tossing out there is allowing folks to teleport to any bind spot. Those locations are already in the system.
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
So you'd rather have a list that grows and grows and grows everytime new content comes out, so that ALL bind points everywhere in the game would have to be listed in a single teleport window? AND even then, people would STILL complain that the teleport points don't get them to where they want to be.
How is this a viable solution to an ever growing problem?
I'm not asking for a complete revamp, but my point is really that the other locations at least make some sense.
Portable hole is a great stop for casters, House J spot is also good for bards picking up scrolls, House K bank is also good, marketplace and meridia are hubs. But the House D location is absurd by comparison. They sell bad generic range weapons and missiles there. I don't think I've ever used that shop . . . in almost 4 years.
Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
I would like to also set my own teleport points.
If the page gets longer then I'll just scroll down. I don't mind.
I don't care for the house D spot either but it is at least just above the broker, but it is still an absurd place. I haven't bought or sold anything there. It is at least a shorter run from there to the broker than from house K bank to the broker in there.
I would like to set a teleport spot for the Twelve in the shop for the resist pots when I shop for my other characters. It is a bit of a run from the market to that shop.
I like the bank spot in house K since I like to park my characters in there, but would also like to set a closer spot to the broker.
House P is ok, it is close to the middle of the house area so it isn't much of a walk to other spots.
House J is ok since that is the only shop that I actually hit in there.
I haven't seen any spots listed for the Inspired Qtr. It may be on GT but I don't know. I don't use that very often excepte to bus people to Meridia and I know where that selection is. Since GT requires me to be in an instance, I don't use it often and even if it did get me to Inspired Qtr, having to get into an instance just to use GT is a bit inconveniant. I understand why GT requires the instance only but it still makes it inconveniant. All areas listed in GT should also be available on the regular teleport list and all areas listed on the regular teleport should be available on GT. I may want to take some people shopping.
I would accept bars as a solution to set up your own tele go to spot, but would like a bit more freedom in this. You could have a flag created for a tele binding spot. The tele binding flags could be located in shops as well as bars.
Last edited by KillEveryone; 03-31-2010 at 08:49 AM.
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
I'd also be more than happy with the taverns being teleport points. Everywhere I'd ever want to go is within 10 seconds of at least one tavern, even the portable hole.
Well, first, there is no reason that the teleport windows can't grow. Both vertically and horizontally, or even scroll.
Second, it would address the problem because there is a spirit binder in close proximity to just about every public location in the game. I can not think of one place that doesn't have a spirit binder within 1 zone reach.
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
I agree that there are a great many number of bind points close to things in the game that people want to get to, but apparently they aren't good enough. Just look at the the OP in this thread (and the many, many other 'change teleport points' threads). The House D weapons shop currently on the list is close to the other weapons shop, AND the new location for the mailbox and auctioneer, and yet it still isn't good enough.
I think part of the irritation here comes from having to still go through a second (or third) loading screen after teleporting just to get where you really want to be - which when there are high server loads/problems can be a MAJOR issue.
However the number one problem with teleporting is that EVERYONE, and I do mean EVERYONE has a different idea of what the perfect set of teleport points is. Why not do a revamp of the system that would address this issue directly while at the same time bring the spell more in line with the DnD rulebooks (memorized locations)?
Heck, under a properly 'fixed' teleport spell, your character would be free to make a list of points identical to the all the current bind points in the game if you wished. My character's list might include only one or two, and yet someone elses would include none of them. That's the beauty of a properly implemented teleport spell - everyone gets their 'perfect' set of teleport points and the devs can move on to bigger better things (and we never have to have see threads like this again).
The mailbox move and the auctioneer move were two great moves by the designers. That said, the tele location is still absurd, especially having to zone twice to get into fair trades, which is the main reason most end game toons go to House D (I know there are CHA pots you can get for collectibles and you need to stock up occasionally on cold iron arrows for Epic DQ2).
Am I really upset or being demanding? I hope not. It is a suggestion forum and I'm making one. I use the current spot more than 10x a day on my hagglebot but I wonder if that shop ever gets used. I stood in there for about 10 minutes last night - over 20 people zoned (TP'd) in and none of them ever used the shop. That indicates some dysfunction, at least to me. You stand in the House J shop Kundarak Bank and the Hole and you get dramatically different results. Just sayin . . .
Lysol, Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence