This topic has been posted/ rebutted/ trolled/ flamed/ and beaten down like a penny on a train track BUT>>>
My personal desire for new content should be the modules from D&D (up to version 3.5 junk)
to be brought into the game as complete updtaes (patches, mods whatever you want to call them).
Sorry Turbine, a classic example of some under-developed content is the IQ series!
I am aware of the constraints you have had from the lawsuit & development demand for your other games.
The majority of players & turbine staff are D&D people! So why do we have content that takes us away from from what we expect?
The back story for the "Attack on Stormreach" is cool; but not it falls short of my point.
Let me put it on the table as plain as day for you developers & engineers & staff that decide what we get here.
If you have the expertise to make this game, and give us the best combat system around,
AND develop a game that takes some brain power to play, you should be able to develop game content from the original modules!
That's what we want. That's what you should promulgate for enticing the players that have left the game to come back, & bringing in more people that tried the game out 4 years ago & weren't impressed, and, bringing all the new PnP people out there into the game that want said content.
I am not flaming; I am totally blown away to be able to play D&D in an MMO format!
We just need more authentic content.
SO!!!! What modules would you all like to see brought into the game?