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  1. #1
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    Default New quest/raid items Testing

    Can we really think about adding a chest to the end of any new raid or quest with all the items in it? That way you could simply delete it when the patch goes live. Here is why=

    1. Few new raid items get discovered
    2. Items that arent discovered (or epiced)= do not get tested
    3. Items not tested= possible bugs go live
    4. Bugs that go live= angry community (takes to long to fix these bugs)

    Players can not test what they dont have access to, and as you can see from every test patch more then 80% of new raid/epic items never get made and tested. If you want these items tested as well as the quests they drop in then add an extra chest at the end of the quest with a bunch of them. Epic modes should have an end chest with scrolls/shards/seals as well as a unlimited amount of epic tokens.

    This way every new item will be tested fully by the community (instead of leaving 100% of testing to the 1 person who got the item which is unreliable) and bugs can be found early and corrected. Would also encourage more use of the test realm!

  2. #2
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    As of this post not a single new item in this Update has been epic'd.

  3. #3
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Ty for the info. I didn't realize the amount of untested or discovered items is that large.
    As I have only once went to any of the beta servers, (I like waiting for the official release), can you shed some more light on this?
    IE, the items discovered already.
    And your thoughts on the new content.

  4. #4
    Community Member gemineye's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delacroix21 View Post
    Can we really think about adding a chest to the end of any new raid or quest with all the items in it?
    Alternatively, they could simply post text descriptions of the items. The majority of the problems with loot aren't implementation bugs or other things that you need to actually test the item to find out; they're simply mistakes by the designers so that the item is not correctly attractive for the content it comes from.

    The Chimera Fang is one recently-added item whose problems are evident just by looking at the screenshot. A bunch of epic weapons also had mistakes that are obvious that way.

  6. #6
    Founder Delacroix21's Avatar
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    I dont think that is enough. There could be items with procs that dont work or stack (as players several years after the shroud was released have only now discovered).

    There could also be meele epic items that gain a caster benefit when epiced (cloak of zepyr) or items when epiced that really are no better then the non-epic version (firestorm greaves). It always sucks for the 1 person who has to discover this and then get screwed.

    Look at WoW= No new items have to be "discovered" they TELL you exactly what items are being added with each patch and where they can be found (at least wowhead does).

  7. #7
    Community Member FrostBeard's Avatar
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    this is a very important thread, Take Note Devs!!

    here take the greensteel tripple positive items that have greater disruption.
    greater disruption? come on that effect never works, a normal disruptor procs a hundred times more than that effect.
    intentional or broken? you guess?

    those of you that have weapons or armor with this know what im talking about.

  8. #8
    Community Member Schwarzie's Avatar
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    I am no native english speaker

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