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  1. #1
    Community Member CrankVulcan's Avatar
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    Default monk3/cleric17?????

    i'v heard a lot about 18/2 cleric/monk but i am sorta addicted to the healing punches that a monk gets at lvl 3. so if i added in this 3rd level of monk would it make a big difference?

  2. #2
    Founder Lehrman's Avatar
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    The difference is you lose a spell and I think 100 spell points v. the 18/2. The plus side is not the healing curse so much as it is the access to finishers. Being able to make youself immune to stun and reduce sp costs by 25% is pretty hawt!
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  3. #3
    Community Member CrankVulcan's Avatar
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    i could also pump my concentration which would help a lot for would be a great solo build....could also be a secondary healer. could be alot of fun.

  4. #4
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lehrman View Post
    The difference is you lose a spell and I think 100 spell points v. the 18/2. The plus side is not the healing curse so much as it is the access to finishers. Being able to make youself immune to stun and reduce sp costs by 25% is pretty hawt!
    Ya I have definitely considered it for that reason.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Don't forget the Healing Amp 10% enhancement. I was originally going to have Stryde take his last level as cleric, but I've decided to take a 3rd monk.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Seems like cleric/monk splashes won't lose out on nearly as much by going 17/3 versus 18/2 as a FVS would since you'll still have access to a couple 9th level spells. Being able to buff yourself with those finishers would be pretty nice. I'd roll up a character on the generator and see what it looks like if I were you. It seems like it could be viable.

  7. #7
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Default similar

    I am having the same basic problem with a Sorcerer, Monk, FvS build. I know that 6/6/7 is a VERY bad split but I am trying to figure out if I want a Monk with Buffs and spells. Monk 12/Fvs2/Sorc6 (fireball) or Monk 12/Fvs6/Sorc2 (CSW or Searing Light).

    Also, Fvs 12/Monk2/Sorc4 (Blade Barrier with Bull's Str or Cat's Grace) or FvS12/Monk4/Sorc2 (for FoL and Magic Missile and Burning Hands) for some extra saves (and healing) as well as a couple fo utility spells.

    Finally, Sorc 12/Monk4/FvS2 (FoL, CLW, Divine Favor and either Chain Lighting or Circle of Death) or Sorc12/Monk2/FvS4 (CMW and Cat's Grace) in order to heal myself and not be so squishy (as Wis helps Monk AC and FvS DC).

    My biggest problem is that I keep hearing rumors of Monk PrEs and I am hoping for some synergy or cool ability. Same is true with FvS and Sorc.

    In answer to your other question, I have a Wiz/Rog/Cle combo that I am working on as well. And yes, this one is stolen from PnP. Once these three classes have PrEs, I may make toon with Monk instead. Also, I keep hearing vicious rumors of Druid and need to open toon slot!!!

    BTW, I would got with Cleric17/Monk3 and choose Implosion and True Resurrection as the spells.

  8. #8
    Community Member jstroud's Avatar
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    I am working on a 17/3 split. Currently character level 14 (11 Cleric/3 Monk). It's a pretty solid build, and effective as long as you judiciously use your spellpoints, and can afford to equip it properly. It doesn't require insanely expensive or rare equipment, you just have to keep in mind that your spellpoint pool is far smaller than a pure or even a 18/2 cleric build.

    So with that in mind, I've focused on gearing mine with Magi, Devotion VI, and also a plus concentration item, to ensure I have surplus Ki stored up almost all the time.

    I also keep a pair of Paralyzing Handwraps on hand so that I can jump in and melee trash mobs to build Ki without meditating, and heal using finishers as much as possible.

  9. #9
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAWPRE View Post
    I am having the same basic problem with a Sorcerer, Monk, FvS build. I know that 6/6/7 is a VERY bad split but I am trying to figure out if I want a Monk with Buffs and spells. Monk 12/Fvs2/Sorc6 (fireball) or Monk 12/Fvs6/Sorc2 (CSW or Searing Light).
    I'd advise against both of these. You lose a lot by splashing anything else into a monk build, especially when you're talking about getting only 4-5BAB for 8 levels, that puts you at a 13 or 14 BAB (16-17 for unarmed), with 2d6 instead of 2d10 unarmed damage, and the loss of a slew of monk bonuses. That's a lot to give up for a 6d6 fireball (hint: haste or displacement are what you really want at sorc 6).

    On the other hand, splashing monk onto FvS will get you a couple bonus feats, some wis, a little AC, all the things usually associated with monk splashes. Another problem is there's no monk/sorc synergy, and taking levels in 2 casting classes costs you high level spells from the main class in exchange for lower level spells in the splash class, which is almost never advisable (except maybe splashing wiz1 for a free metamagic feat, or clr1 for DV?)

    (er, sorry for the tangent.) To the OP: You've got options with taking 3 monk levels; either take them all at the beginning to be more combat effective when it matters (at the cost of postponing all your spells) or space them out to take advantage of being able to fill in missing skills (say at 1, 13, and 20 or 1,11, 20) or take 2 at the start and leave the last one until 12 or 14.

  10. #10
    Community Member Dark-Star's Avatar
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    I have a 3m/17clr build that I enjoy a lot. The build brings a lot of utility, can be solid dps and still heal well, but it's very very twitchy and gear intensive to do right. I will likley be posting a build sometime in the near future once I test a few more things on it.
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