Comrades, in MMOs, raids are those "super" quests which involve "super" bosses. But why are these called raids?
Did the first MMO raid have anything to do with c***roaches?
Comrades, in MMOs, raids are those "super" quests which involve "super" bosses. But why are these called raids?
Did the first MMO raid have anything to do with c***roaches?
I hear english can be a hard language to learn.
Using a dictionary isn't.
cockroaches. lol
Aside from that, it's because your supposed to be raiding something.
They most definitely want us to depress stock prices...Code:Main Entry: raid Pronunciation: \ˈrād\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English (Scots) rade, from Old English rād ride, raid — more at road Date: 15th century 1 a : a hostile or predatory incursion b : a surprise attack by a small force 2 a : a brief foray outside one's usual sphere b : a sudden invasion by officers of the law c : a daring operation against a competitor d : the recruiting of personnel (as faculty, executives, or athletes) from competing organizations 3 : the act of mulcting public money 4 : an attempt by professional operators to depress stock prices by concerted selling
its like, man, we're a SWAT team, man, theres these epic boss enemies, they are trafficking in epic loot, man, we gotta stop their operation. So we do a SWAT raid man, we bust in there, cuff em, take out the leader, seize the goods.
When I think of the word "raid" in D&D I think of running in surprise attacking fully buffed into a community of peaceful humanoids like gnolls and orcs, slaughtering their tribesmen, breaking their vases and crated supplies of food, throwing epic level fireballs into their tents and masses of children huddled around the campfires, and ultimately slaughtering all their religious leaders in a genocidal inferno of poison gasses, magical flames, and sword that sever heads and strike with lightning bolts . We get to have all that fun in explorer zones imagine how awesome it would be if it were a "raid".
They are uglier than our playable races why shouldn't we kill them all?
Thanks for the laugh. I've played DnD since PnP first came out and while I always had fun adventuring, defeating hostile enemies and getting great swag, I found it ironic that what we were really doing was breaking into people's houses, murdering them and stealing their stuff. What a great kids game!![]()
In real life we call that a home invasion. But calling them "home invasions" in-game would have made for some awkward public relations and marketing situations, so they settled on "raid."
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