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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009

    Default question about rerolling

    hello guys

    as of now, i have myself lvling my ranger for AA build, but i got some questions on what comes to reroll

    1)if i supposedly buy a 32 point build, and reroll my char, will it restart as a 32 point build to set all points again? or will it just reset back to lvl 1?

    2)what benefits does reroll gives?

    3) i saw at store a item for lesser reroll or something of the sort, whats the difference between that and the greater reroll, or so i saw on some other threads?

    4)do i need necessarily to buy it with turbine points? or can i get it from some quest?

    edit: i know it may seem out of topic but another question hit me, the tomes for atributes, can we only buy them at store? or do we get them latter on at game from quests and so on?

    well, thats pretty much my questions, thanks for future answers^^

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    First things first: Re-rolling a character means you start all over on a new char, but with the same goal. You simply make a new one where you implement the changes you've found necessary.

    A reincarnation is something different, and what I believe you're actually referring to. You can lesser or greater reincarnate your character at any time (and at a great cost every time), with the extra options to switch 1 or 3 levels. I could use a lot of time to spell out the differences between lesser and greater and the +0/+1/+3 options... I wont, because the wiki says those things better than I will

    When you're lvl 20, you can True Reincarnate, which will delete your char and give you 34 pts and some other bonuses to build your new character from. This reincarnation is also described on the wiki.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I forgot to address your question on tomes. The +2 tome to all stats (currently at ~2500 TP) can only be bought in the DDO Store with TP (as far as I know), but all other tomes (+1, +2, +3, +4 and maybe +5 if they exist) can be found in drops from chests or as rewards for quests. +1 and +2 tomes can also be bought in the DDO Store.

    The Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread is a very good place to search for specific loot (including tomes):

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Silvershaper View Post
    First things first: Re-rolling a character means you start all over on a new char, but with the same goal. You simply make a new one where you implement the changes you've found necessary.

    A reincarnation is something different, and what I believe you're actually referring to. You can lesser or greater reincarnate your character at any time (and at a great cost every time), with the extra options to switch 1 or 3 levels. I could use a lot of time to spell out the differences between lesser and greater and the +0/+1/+3 options... I wont, because the wiki says those things better than I will

    When you're lvl 20, you can True Reincarnate, which will delete your char and give you 34 pts and some other bonuses to build your new character from. This reincarnation is also described on the wiki.
    kool, that helped a lot =), but concerning tomes of atributes question, how do i get them? is it only through turbine points? or is there a way in game of doing it(like quests and so on)?

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