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Ok here is the deal me and 2 RL friends are starting up DDO. They are playing a fighter and cleric and me a rogue. I want to be able to find and disarm any trap or locate any hidden door we come across when we are running elites. I am assuming DPS will still be ok since I will be going with dex based and getting weapon finnesse. Not sure if I will duel TWF or not. Can you get the sneak attack damage using a bow ?
I am going to be getting a VIP membership so was going to use Drow for the innate stat buffs and will be cheating a little and getting the 32 point buy from the DDO store. I have read somewere you can not do 32 point buy on a Drow anyone know if this is true ?
I read some post were people went 1st level of rogue then rest Ranger if you are wanting to go TWF would this still be viable and be able to get our little group thru any trap and secret door we come across even in elites.
Any other advise the rogue experts can give me would be great and appreciated.