I assume that anyone grouping with Axer is getting paid as a hireling.
So i assume that Phoenix is the kind of person who wants to get paid to do things to Axer but has only a Melee toon and so feels left out of all the fun.
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I guess what hapened was you tried to join his group on your melee, and you got declined, so you came here to b**** about it.
You know, i used to think the same as you, but after you group with him a while, the way he plays the quests get done fairly quick and efficient. He has no need to group with gimp melees that can't hold their weight.
And if he know's you, and know's you are not a looser, then 95% of the time he is happy to take you. I run my ranger in his groups all the time.
This thread is pointless
Swez Sowan
Sowen Sown Sowyn
Community Member
ok ok. trying to understand this thread but, from what I can tell, this guy named Axer, whom his best friend forever Zoar a guy I know who basically made Axer what he is today, doesnt like rangers or paladins in his groups unless he knows the paladin and ranger and knows he/she can do tremendous dps, is that correct?
Confused a bit, alot of stupidity in this thread blurring facts.
Last edited by Emili; 03-25-2010 at 06:27 PM.
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Finaly Kyber with some drama in a thread. I was starting to think the forum police were going to change us into a bunch of argosians.
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