Thanks for the help guys, I've continued this in another thread over in the character builds forum.
Thanks for the help guys, I've continued this in another thread over in the character builds forum.
Last edited by Cedwin; 03-24-2010 at 12:48 PM.
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I'm considering +3 reincarnating one of my bards into a Brd14/Brb6. (They are presently Brd16/Ftr1).
If you have under 14 levels of Bard, your songs are a lot weaker and many groups won't consider you suited to filling the bard slot in a raid.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
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I don't really plan on running PuG raids, this will mainly be guild only, for fun.
The level 14 bard song gives an extra +1 to inspire courage, so it's not "too" much I would be missing out on.
That being said, at level 11, barbarians get Greater Rage, and at level 9, Bards get Inspire Greatness.
So a 9/11 Bard Barbarian looks pretty neat. Would I be missing anything other than the Improved Inspire Courage (+2) by only going 9 levels of bard?
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Lol, the 9/11 Bardbarian...
Anyway, back to bards. Besides the Improved Inspire Courage... No Song of Freedom (L 12 break enchant), no Inspire Heroics (L 15 AC boost). Also, no spells over L 3 (of course) (no FoM, cure critical, greater heroism, etc.)
I think you would be able to get a second L 3 spell at 9. (Not positive though) 2 out of displacement, haste, good hope, or cure serious, I would think.
I've rarely ever seen a bard use the Song of Freedom, by that level we're usually running around with permanent FoM going.
I can't remember the bard's spell progression. I know on a sorc they get level 4 spells at level 9, but not sure what level the bards are at by 9.
As far as healing, I'll be using wands for the most part, and then heal scrolls when my UMD is high enough, so I'm not worried about healing spells. His spell points will be used for buffing, that's about it.
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Well, there are only six levels or bard spells, of course. I am almost positive they learn their second third level spell at 9, but I could be wrong. (If some one with a bard could confirm or deny that...) That would be, discounting DC and healing spells, Haste, Displacement, and Good Hope (2 of those)
EDITE: Actually, according to the character planner (which I have found to usually be right), you get your third L 3 at 8, but I think you can only have 2 memorized. If that's true you could have all three of those known, and have any 2 memorized per day.
Last edited by Ellyll; 03-24-2010 at 10:13 AM.
Thanks Gunga, I just updated the other post with the build layout, still tweaking on it though.
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