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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Revamp fortification items, please!!

    Im sure this has been said before, but here goes anyways, since as a new player, this is one of the things that has really been bothering me. Fortification being one of the most (if not THE most) important bonuses you should work on when starting up from scratch.

    Why do high level items load with underpowered fortification? Its bad enough that it happens with randomized loot, but to see light and moderate fort on named armor (note: not talking about stackable docents here) at completely innapropriate levels is just just.... TUUUUUURRRRRBIIIIIIINEEEEEEE!!!!!

    I know Gianthold used to be level cap content, but its not and hasnt been for apparently a very long time. You might want to give a quick swish over of all this gear taking into account that 1) p2p players almost all farm a minos legens asap and 2) f2p players almost all farm adamantium ore for the necklace and 3) even then you can get heavy fort randomly on belts and stuff at midlevel. And its not just Gianthold, but thats the one that sticks out in my head most. I really didnt feel like turning in any of my relics for the various fullplates, but I definitely would have considered it if they had heavy instead of medium.

    As for randomized loot, it would be SO easy to just put a level range on the bonus so that it doesnt show up on what would otherwise be a great piece of loot. No room for heavy fort? Well thank god it loaded axeblock or some clicky or anything instead of wasting the points on light fortification.. etc..

    Anyhow, just my two cents. An added bonus: you wouldn't have everyone and their cousin running around in minos legens. Pssssst! You are not special! /showhelmet off is cool! ;-)
    Last edited by Daggaz; 03-24-2010 at 05:40 AM.

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