Wasn't sure if tihocan's post or here would be the best spot but I have a few questions on that build if anyone is able to help.
The one class I've never rolled is a ranger and I'm about to TR into a 34-point Tempest build, very similar to the 18/1/1 version. Due to my lack of inside knowledge w/ rangers, I have a few questions:
1. Why the Dodge/Mobility/Spring Attack line of feats? Is it just for the +4 to hit while moving? Or is Spring Attack required for some kind of ranger feat down the road? I haven't used SA on any other of my melees and haven't had much trouble hitting so wasn't sure if it was that critical to have or if those feats could be assigned elsewhere.
2. Any downside to investing into Disable Device and Search instead of Spot and/or Jump? I know Spot has its benefits at times but if you're pretty familiar with most quests already, it seems like the points could be better applied elsewhere. Same with Jump since you'll be able to cast that on yourself. Perhaps DD/Search skills won't be maxed to the point that you're trapsmithing on lvl 18 elite quests but they'd be serviceable to the point where you can get the extra trapsmithing XP bonus in most low/mid level quests using +5 tools. Just curious.
3. Are ITWF and GTWF not necessary for tempest builds? Just seems odd to me to have a 2WF build w/out those. Wasn't sure if the tempest line of enhancements made up for that or not.
4. Also debating which race to go with. Seriously debating on warforged with their great immunities but also looking at Human too for their extra feat and no penalty to WIS or CHA.
5. The WIS required for tier 1, 2, 3 and 4 ranger spells is 11, 12, 13 and 14 respectively, correct? So even with a starting base WIS of 8, with a +6 item you'd still be good to go? Just trying to weigh the pros/cons of investing in WIS to start with. Seems like there are a few ways to handle it:
1) Start with a 12 WIS, eat a +2 WIS tome and you're done with it
2) Start with 11 WIS as a human, eat a +2 and use the human enhancement to bump WIS up +1.
3) Start with an 8 WIS to max out other stats and just plan on drinking Owl's pots to cast spells at lower levels and then eventually equipping a +6 WIS item in a slot.
Just kinda thinking out loud right now but would really appreciate input from those with ranger experience. For what it's worth, I'd like to dual-weild khopesh's as soon as possible but have good light off-hand weaps in the meantime. I also have access to the full spectrum of +1 and +2 tomes as well.
Much appreciated!