I thought I'd stimulate a little competition on Argo, so here it is: I'm going to personally put forward 1m plat to the first person on Argo to get the Completionist feat through grinding through TRs with an option of 25k plat a day addition once someone in the running on Argo hits their 10th class (or whatever the total classes number - 1 is at the time). This would just be to speed up whoever is doing their last TR. I really want to see who does it first, who is in the running and it will give us a chance to see some respectable drama on Argo.
So here's the rules for getting the moneys:
post your character's name here so we can track you
and make your myddo public please
That's it! Good luck!!! And they're off...
p.s. (my bet's on Star)