This is not an exhaustive guide on what feats, skills, and enhancements to take at each level. If you'd need to ask that, then likely the build is too complicated or gear-intensive for your level of play, and is not what you're looking for. I write this to have a proof-of-concept on paper (so to speak), and so that other players can follow my train of thought, and add comments of their own, or derive possible inspiration for their own characters.
Goals of the Build:
- To create a character capable of fully healing his/herself easily via resources which are renewable without resting, primarily through the use of Fists of Light's Healing Curse, and the Healing Ki finisher.
You rush into battle without fear. Though unarmored and armed only with your small kama blades, you relish in the harm dealt to you by your enemies, knowing that each blow you take is one your allies do not have to... and the shock of seeing your wounds heal before their eyes as you fight surely shall unnerve even the fiercest of foes.
Race and Level:
Human 12 Paladin/ 7 Monk/Rogue 1
-Reasoning for Race and Levels:
The main reason for Human is for the Human racial line of Healing Amplification enhancements, which contribute significantly to the main purpose of the build.
Defensively, 12 Paladin allows for Devotion I-IV, and Paladin Hunter of the Dead II, both of which are key to the build. HotD II provides 20% Healing Amplification and immunity to negative levels, while Devotion IV increases the effect of Healing Ki. Also, of course, are the numerous other defensive benefits of the paladin class, such as Divine Grace and Aura of Good.
Offensively, Paladin provides smites and Divine Sacrifice, which are key to this build's offensive damage, which admittedly will be weaker than other paladin builds, due to this build's use of kamas as primary weapons.
(Note, this build opts to take a level of monk and rogue instead of having 14 paladin, and thus looses access to level 4 paladin spells, namely Zeal, which due to being a Sacred bonus to attack speed, is highly desirable. This build prefers the increased healing amplification available at monk 7, alongside Rogue 1's sneak attack damage and haste boosts.)
Monk 7 provides Evasion, 20% additional healing amplification, second tier elemental stances and strikes, and most importantly, Fists of Light, which is this build's main source of healing.
Rogue 1 provides 1d6+3 sneak attack damage and Haste Boost I, both of which are helpful to contribute towards damage in raid boss target situations. With proper gear and skill allocation, Rogue 1 also provides the ability to handle a good number of traps and locks throughout the game.
Key Benefits of the Build:
-High Saving Throws
-Ridiculously excessive healing amplification. (approx. 401%)
-A powerful self-centered AoE cure, which will heal the caster by 245 HP on average, and can be cast once every 9 seconds, using Ki, which is an easily renewable resource.
-Constant healing while attacking an enemy. 4 or 8 per hit from Fists of Light and, when applicable, 4 from Lesser Vampirism on Dream Edge Kamas.
-Capable and steady strength-based two weapon fighting melee damage.
Starting Ability Scores: 36 Point Buy
16 Strength
15 Dexterity (With a +2 tome, this meets the requirement to take Greater Two-Weapon Fighting)
14 Constitution
12 Wisdom
10 Intelligence (With a tome, this will allow for the use of Silver Flame favor healing potions without self-incapacitation from ability score damage.)
14 Charisma (With a +2 tome, this will allow for Paladin Divine Might II)
Final Ability Scores:
(Note. These scores include +2 tomes, which are easy for me to acquire. They do not presume any higher tomes.
Only permanent scores are included, not temporary buffs.)
34 Strength. (16 base + 1 Racial Enhancement + 5 Level Up +2 Tome + 6 Item +2 Sun Stance, +2 Exceptional [on a mineral II kama or ToD ring] )
24 Dexterity. (15 base + 1 racial enhancement +2 Tome +6 Item)
22 Constitution. (14 Base + 2 Tome +6 Item)
20 Wisdom: (12 base -2 Sun Stance +2 Class Enhancement +2 Tome +6 Item)
12 Intelligence: (10 Base +2 Tome)
24 Charisma: (14 base +2 tome +6 item +2 Class Enhancement)
Monk Stance: Fire.
This build will remain in Fire Stance most, if not all, of the time. This will provide exceptional Ki generation, allowing for no difficulty in repeated use of Healing Ki.
Additionally, this will enable the Jidz-Tet-ka bracers to provide +25% Healing Amplification.
11 feats in total, including 1 Human Bonus Feat and 3 Monk Bonus Feats.
I have not yet planned out the specific feat allocation, but this build has no shortage of feats for everything of use.
-Desired Feats-
Two Weapon Fighting
Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Power Attack
Improved Critical: Slashing
(And five more still! Suggestions welcome. Multiple Toughness would not be terrible in this build, as they provide more time alive to receive a heal.)
-Possible Additional Feats-
There is a great deal of flexibility here, and you can take whatever you enjoy to further customize your character.
Possibilities include some of the following:
Lightning Reflexes (This build has evasion and will have a very decent Reflex save already... making it useful to have even more to insure that you don't fail that roll except on a 20.)
Extra Turning (Four more Divine Mights or Restorations per rest)
More Toughness (It never hurts.)
Extend Spell (You don't have too many buffs, but you could always extend them.)
Empower Healing (Should you find the need or desire to use any Paladin cure spells, this could increase their effectiveness further.)
Healing Amplification:
This is the primary mechanic of the build.
Here are its sources of healing amplification:
30% - Human Racial Enhancements
20% - Hunter of the Dead II
20% - Monk Class Enhancements
10% - Dragontouched Eldritch Rune
20% - Dragontouched Tempest Rune
25% - Jidz-Tet'ka (See "Required Items", below)
30% - Greensteel/Dream Edge Kama
Total: Approx. 401% Healing Amplification.
Healing Ki:
10d4 = 25 average.
+40% Paladin Devotion IV = 35
+75% Superior Ardor 1 potion = 61.25
61.25 multiplied by 4.01 = 245 average healing. (Presuming that Jidz-Tet'ka, which is as of yet untested, stacks multiplicatively as do all the other sources of healing amplification used)
Required Items:
-Dragontouched Vestments or Robe: 10% Healing Amplification from Eldritch Rune, 20% Healing Amplification from Tempest Rune, Sovereign rune property of your choice.
-Jidz-Tet'ka Bracers (NOT IN GAME YET, coming in next patch. Bind to Account, level 5 minimum to use, available from level 8 quest series)
-Kamas: 30% Healing Amplification, either on a Greensteel Kama (Potentially a Concordant Opposition II, which would be helpful on the build for reasons both including the HP and SP proc chance, and the slot condensation from free bonus +6 wisdom), or on Dream Edge. Other kama is DPS-kama of choice, or current preference. Likely choices include Greensteel Mineral II, Greensteel Lightning II.
Armor Class:
AC is not a consideration of this build, as the build instead relies on self-healing and healing amplification. Regardless, the build can muster a moderate AC without too much difficulty, due to a moderately high dexterity combined with the wisdom bonus from monk levels and Aura of Good.
This is only an initial concept, not a final build. Suggestions and feedback are welcome, and I may revise it in the future. Thank you in advance for any ideas. Additionally, I hope that the ideas fleshed out here are of use to some of you in your own build concepts.