Funny this is brought up all the time, of which I completely agree. What is completely funny is I was in a Shroud run a few days ago and a Cleric I heard was blacklisted for looting his own treasure and not sharing.
It really is amazing how people react to something that is not theirs to begin with. Like was said before, tough up and be an adult. It is a game lol.
I personally either put it for roll if I don't need it or take it if I can use on my multitude of other class characters. Tis life
I've seen more people be congratulated on chest pulls than bugged by another party member for the item. It's usually kiddies... Two solutions: squelch and don't invite them back. Seriously.... grow some stones and stand up for yourself.
/Not Signed
/signed....but only if you have an option to view chest loot on
Winston Churchill:
“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”
Nope....... No cahnges needed.....
Well there has been a couple of occasions where i myself, have cursed my luck with loot and envied what someone else got, however i really don't think it's as bad as having to hide what people get, yes you can talk about greed, jealousy etc. we all have it, but your not remembering the nice side of it, when someone finds something good and people go "congrats" I really don't think hiding it is worth it, and if it really does come to it, we as players have problems.
I disagree with you, OP.
I actually count on seeing what other people pull. So many times you'll just hit that button and continue running and then take stock of what you've found only after the quest is done. Having the loot laid bare for all to see enables the rest of the group to ask for something if it's an item they might need. YOU may not think that +1 paralysing short sword is worth anything, but maybe what I'm using isn't as good. If you pull it, and I want it; I'm gonna offer to buy it. Can still say no, but how will I know it's there before you toss it into the vendor trash heap?
That too, i know i would often sell something cheaper to someone in my party if i like them or we're running well etc. Don't kill good will :P
At the risk of dusting off the +5 great club of greater dead horse bane, I'll try and give this a shot. Hiding loot is fine, but kills some of the fun of the game. I wouldn't keep running cursed crypt over and over and over unless I actually saw that choker drop already (for someone else). It does exist!
Regarding who can use something or not, those days are over, thanks to TR. You can expect to receive no +3/+4 tomes unless they drop for you, as people will loot them in anticipation for another TR. Chattering ring drops for a sorc, he's looting it, because he will be able to use one of the most sought after pieces of raid loot, in a future life. Trying to say someone looted something they didn't need, is just being ignorant and a bit silly. You have no idea what plans someone has for TR.
Before I TRed, my WF sorc went on many icy runs hoping to pick up the rainments before I was put to flame. While I announced I would be rolling on them if they go up for roll, and I would loot them if they dropped for me (in anticipation of TRing), to the whole group when I joined and the leader and several people over voice said they understood, I still got static when I rolled on a pair. What's a WF rolling on an outfit for? Worse yet, a WF sorc?
The first system of leader decides is not practical now with TR. How does the leader know what loot is best for a particular toon when they might change class or race in a week/month.
The present system is fair in that it lets you keep what drops for you, or pass as you please.
Hiding loot information while solving some of the dramas will probably allow dishonest players to manipulate it. To drama I say, while crass, grow a pair. Someone whines over why you looted something, their problem, not mine or yours. On the other hand, people acting greedy, take note, don't run with them again. Over time, true colors come out in people and they are easy to see if you pay attention.
/not signed.
OP...ive been here since it began...and I HAVE NEVER had this problem.
Sounds like to me...the problem is either on your end...or with whom you choose to run.
Either way, i see no reason, no reason at all that it needs to change.
This problem is localized to you. It is not widespread. So stop with the baby mama drama....nobody CARES!
/turn your b and whine off
Oh and nice rep man...way to go.
well actually i did read your post and i dont see it as drama....why would i want to bring someone ona raid ( that being a privledge)because they dont contribute anything other then an extra pull and they themselfs would get items they need from other members only for them to pull say madstone boots on thier wizzy and go o sorry i didnt realize wat they actually did (makes the greedy list) not that i need anything from a raid but the changes your asking for will just lead to no pug raids.....and you had best ask the puggers on thelanis if thats wat they want because i highly doubt they would want this as they wouldnt get in abbots towers vods hounds often and yes trs included...only a fool imo would be tring a caster into a fighter yea +1 dcs and yes youll argue about completionist but if your not a vet dont have tons of raids under your belt that would be an unrealistic dream
Eh, raid loot drama is the main reason I don't raid outside of guild/honorary guilds. People get too worked up over the same old stuff....thats not good for a bard/cleric/ranger/warforged/dwarf/etc....unless they are on that class that day.
Would putting loot on the dl mean I would join more pugs? Not really. I think that people are too loot ingrained now that such a change would not be met well by the masses especially those that watch chest drops like a hawk and then start pming tells or just outright demand stuff.
If this gets implemented then nice, if not then it is not game ending.
Halflings Rule and never irritate anyone that can cast dispell
In a PUG, your loot is yours to do with what you will. Unless everyone agrees to roll on certain items before the run, I'm keeping what I can use. (Guild runs, regular raid groups, etc. are a different matter - you've already agreed to certain terms when you join up.)