A unnecessary change is an unnecessary change, at least I thought so.
Last edited by Missing_Minds; 03-21-2010 at 12:51 AM.
You know what....GROW UP!
Take a step back and remember what this game is supposed to be about...FUN!!!!!
It's not about who has all the best raid loot so they look more appealing on MyDDO.com...which by the way is completely flawed anyways.
Move on or don't raid......it's not like u HAVE to have the stuff anyways.....personally if u NEED raid loot ur a weak player anyways, and letting it bring about ur petty, greedy, envious side makes u WEAKER player.
Let me make it a little more obvious for the people who don't understand...there is this little known commodity in this game that is more valueable than any piece of raid loot.......it's called SKILL!!!!
*turns purple*
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 03-21-2010 at 01:02 AM.
Not many players know that you can ctrl-rightclick an unlooted item in a chest to paste a link to its description in party chat. But just for you, here's the revised conversation:
leviks shield for roll, d100
what's leviks shield do?
it's for clerics
link it
no it's not, leviks is the tower shield
thats the cleric one
just link it please
no, clerics want the heavy shield
oh right, lorriks is for clerics
what's the stats on leviks?
heres the link: http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s...ksDefender.jpg
I may crash if I tab out, someone tell me the stats
too many people are talking, type it please
omg link it in the chat window!
alt click
doesnt work
use the /death link item command
yeah hes trying to trick you. you want to hold ctrl, then press alt, then del, but you gotta do it twice fast!
hold alt and press F4!
THE REAL COMMAND IS hold ctrl down and press right click
it's not working
make sure you have the party chat window selected and just ctrl rightclick!
*10 seconds pass*
just type the stats in!
stats: +5 mithral tower shield, chance to proc heal spell, sonic guard
no that's lorriks
NO thats the leviks!
player X has disconnected
don't call me a noob! it doesnt work, ctrl is my sneak button.
grats, here you go
oh that's not the one I wanted, who else wanted it?
I thought we were rolling on lorriks. I heard someone say lorriks
we recalled already
player Y loots the chest
player X has reconnected
I tabbed out to click the link and it crashed me, is the shield still up for roll?
i looted it
I like options too. I want to opt to see all the loot pulled from a chest.
Last edited by Vhlad; 03-21-2010 at 01:13 AM.
Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
Former officer of Indago, server-wide 2nd place: Titan, Queen, Reaver, & Abbot
Vhlad / Vhladx / Vhladxx / Vhladxxx / Vhladxxxx / Vhladxxxxx / Vhlade / Vhlader / Vhlada
If it was just an unnecessary change, I probably wouldn't have even jumped in on the thread. I usually bow out and just let the thread run its course if it seems like a silly suggestion.
This one seems deleterious... and that makes it definitely not worth programming.
I'm sure it is possible, and has happened, that people will blacklist someone for not being "generous" with their loot, esp if someone else may find it more useful than they might have. At the same time it is nice being able to see the loot that has been pulled to see what it does if you are given the time to look over it. It's also nice to be able to showoff your loot before you pull it from the box.
It would be your option then, to only run with people who show their loot so you have no problem right ?
Your hypothetical example is very pessimistic from what I have experienced. I could just as easily post a long bunch of stuff i make up showing that things are not so difficult when something is put for roll. However it would not be anything but something I made up like what you did. You dont have to click out or tab out of anything to see the item posted in chat. I dont know how you determined that not many players know about posting items in chat but the longer the feature is out the more people will know and it will become common knowledge like whats required to craft a min 2 has.
I dont see what is deleterious about this feature request. Unless you think you have a right to see other peoples loot. If being truly anon on myddo or not showing your loot causes you to become a pariah you will have to deal with those consequence. But I think its ok if someone wants to have those options.
Very not signed.
This would lead to more of the same old BS of:
Player 1: Tharne's Goggles up for roll. (Tharne's are a must have for almost all melee builds).
Player 2: /roll 1d100 - 66
Paladin (member of a guild): /roll 1d100 - 22
Wizard (same guild): /roll 1d100 - 55
Sorc (same guild): /roll 1d100 - 89
Sorc gets the item, secretly passes it (invisibly) to the Paladin in their guild, screwing Player 2. Noone knows who loots the item. (At present, that sort of behaviour would lead to the paladin and sorc (and maybe the whole guild) being blacklisted by many players on their serve - after your change we'd never know).
I know for one, if this was instituted, I'd only allow one member of each guild represented in a run to roll on items I put up for roll - which is totally unfair towards those guilds that are honest.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
With the TR mechanic its really simple: Everyone can use every piece of raid loot as long as they dont allready have one. If i find a raid loot docent on my halfling rogue i will take it... why? Because i plan to tr into a WF fighter tank.
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...94#post2798094 LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
It is already your option then, to only run with people who have "loot" feedback unchecked in their chat window so you have no problem right ?
Or, even better, you can run only with people who agree to close their eyes when you loot!
Last edited by Vhlad; 03-21-2010 at 05:37 AM.
Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
Former officer of Indago, server-wide 2nd place: Titan, Queen, Reaver, & Abbot
Vhlad / Vhladx / Vhladxx / Vhladxxx / Vhladxxxx / Vhladxxxxx / Vhlade / Vhlader / Vhlada