There was this guy one time
and he tried to post a drama thread on the Khyber Forums.
Well it sucked.
After that I looked up at his join date, I love that you can look up and see
peoples join date on the forums.
The account (I cant say any names cuz...yah, uh huh) was 4 yrs old but the
drama was bad.
I wonder where he bought that account from to get such an old join date and
not know how to talk about drama on the Khyber Forums.
Then there was this other time that this guy left the game and came back.
Everyone pretended like they cared only because they like his loot.
Well, noone really cares.
I wonder if he will get bored in like a week or two and post a 'im leaving' thread again.
People care about that cause they might want your stuff.
So, next time dont bother with the 'i am back' threads cuz they dont care until you are ready to leave again.