Any clue on if any artifacts are in game, such as for example, hand and Eye of Vecna, I know that this is the eberron setting, but any artifacts for this setting?. For the epic levels it would be something to shoot for
Any clue on if any artifacts are in game, such as for example, hand and Eye of Vecna, I know that this is the eberron setting, but any artifacts for this setting?. For the epic levels it would be something to shoot for
All of the epic items are 'artifact level' in terms of power. Actually most of the high level named items are.
I don't know of any that are from published lists of artifacts for any setting.
I guess what im thinking of is an Artifact item that there is only 1, possibly 1 per server, that would be a guild level quest to achieve. So not everyone would have a GS eye of the reaver for example < i know that item doesnt exist, just using the name as an example>