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  1. #1
    Founder Kambuk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Shared Bank Broken?

    Just me or are other people unable to get into their shared bank?
    Get "You must wait before interacting with the bank again" when opening the bank and then only get normal bank not shared bank. (VIP Account)

    Finally got 1 of each sigil to upgrade an item on 3 different characters (all as 1 off end rewards) now I can't put them all on one charachter to upgrade an item....

    6 Full runs of the quest chain on elite with no sigil drops and 2 runs through on hard.

    If I was running a single charachter at level through I would be getting close to ransacking all the chests with no sigils and be out leveling the quests without upgrading a single item even with running them once on hard and the rest elite.

    The Sigils should have a higher drop rate than the items - they are fairly worthless as pulled.

    In all the runs I have done I have pulled 2 of the items from chests on elite in normal quests and 7 items from the end chests in the last quest in the chain, so it looks like if you are after items just keep running the last quest on elite, no idea how to get the sigils to drop though.


  2. #2
    Community Member trptim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Was broke for me in the previous lammania update, but not for all my characters
    Was really annoying, since i was going to test the resurrections and bought all the hearts on the toon who I found out couldn't access the bank.

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Yea same issue for me, for several months now (had another thread on this)

    On all my characters.

  4. #4
    Founder TreknaQudane's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I have characters from two servers on llama. The ones from Cannith cannot access the account bank. The ones from Thelanis can.

    Annoying for sure, but with Turbines past goes it could be worse

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