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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Question A Swordmage - What to do?

    I've been toying around with the idea of swordmage in my mind, mostly 'cos I like the concept of it. I was thinking of a bard but somehow all the singing and telling stories stuff of the class doesn't interest me that much. I've been trying to find some sort of melee+arcane split which would be atleast somewhat viable (not expecting to make the best dps out there etc.)

    I'll explain a little of my goal:

    An Elf (Long traditions with swordmages lore wise) using two-handed style (since single weapon is not viable at all) -> falcion (elf enhancements). Wearing either cloth or mithril chain shirt with elf enhancements for reduced spellfailure.

    So far I've thought of two possible routes in building my character:

    Fighter 8 / Wizard 12 (or 11 with one level of something... what?):

    - Decent spell output (maybe slap a firewall/unresistable autohit force spells)
    - Tensers for no BAB gimping
    - Fair amount of high level buffs (Can even save the Wizards/Bards mana for something else)
    - Dependant on tenser for melee / unable to cast during
    - Loss of fighter levels, unable to pick Kensai II


    Fighter 12 / Wizard 8

    - Kensai II for improved melee output
    - Sufficient self buffs (displacement, stoneskin, haste)
    - High amounts of feats from fighter levels
    - Lots of weapon enhancements from fighter line
    - Low spelldamage output (should I care? does under lvl 18~ wizard do any damage to begin with?)
    - Loss of BAB from Wizard levels (Though Kensai II gives the same amount of +hit and extra 4 damage)
    - Complete uselessness of save based spells

    Both builds start with stat allocation somewhat like this:

    32 Points:
    STR: 16
    DEX: 16
    CON: 12
    INT: 14
    WIS: 8
    CHA: 8

    With 4 points to spend: Where? Assuming +2 tomes are doable (eventually)

    I don't have any experience in the endgame thus I'd like to have some advice in the following problems:

    - Do these builds gimp me completely?
    - Does the spelldamage matter at all on either one of the builds?
    - How much does the loss of heavy armor hurt (assuming I have decent amount of dex)
    - Any alternate splash if I take one less level as wizard on either build only OR should I go for sorc instead (enough spells to choose from to be viable?)
    - Should I start these builds with wizard or fighter levels? Or splash? (On 12F/8W I was thinking of 1 Wiz + 12 F + rest W, 12 W + 8 F on the 8F/12W one?)

    - Mage Armor
    - Shield
    - Nightshield?
    - Expedicious
    + 1 what?
    - Blur
    - Invis
    - False Life
    + 1 What?
    - Displacement
    - Haste
    - Rage?
    + Others, what?
    - Stoneskin
    - Firewall?
    - Teleport
    - Protection From Elements
    + others, what?
    - Tenser
    + Others, what?
    Last edited by MuinainenKoski; 03-18-2010 at 02:35 PM.

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