So I have my lvl 1 elf monk. Since this is my "get away from people and just solo" character, I am not interested in building a monk for a grouping role...just solo. Raiding, of course, is completely out of the question. I don't need something utterly uber, just something that is competent and will let me hop on here in DDO from time to time, spend an hour or two of open-fisted mayhem, experience some moderate amount of "success," and then happily log off and call it a day.
I assume you chose elf for aesthetic reasons. Nothing wrong with that, but for soloing you might be happier with a Dragonmarked halfling for extra healing abilities. There is nothing bad about an elf monk, but halfling and human tend to have better synergy with the class as far as enhancements go
Not much on the forums regarding elf monk. (If I was wiser, I would recognize that is a REALLY bad sign but I'm ignoring my common sense for now.) The one person I have seen on these forums advocating this combo goes by the name of lyeman (hello if you are out there reading this!) and so I followed his (her?) advice and started with:
STR 16
DEX 16
CON 14
WIS 14
This is certainly a fine stat distribution. I prefer races that I can easily get to 16 Con with in order to be able to get 18 con with a tome for the last tier of earth stance. You, however, are certainly not gimping yourself with the stat distribution you chose. A fairly even distribution between strength, dex, con, and wis is the way to go and that's exactly what you have.
For initial feats I took Toughness and TWF. Initial skills I maxed concentration, took 1 in Tumble, 1 in Spot, and the rest (2 or 3) in Balance.
My questions:
1. Given my stated goals, is this going to be a viable character or am I really kidding myself?
It's definitely viable, but you may be happier with a halfling or human for soloing purposes. Halfling have the healing Dragonmarks and Humans have both monk and human improved recovery (which stacks) to get more healing from potions, healing ki, wholeness of body, etc. Those two races just feel more survivable to me and are also easier to start off at 16 con with.
2. PLEASE enlighten me about enhancements. I spent my first AP on Monk Concentration I, but I now have 2 more AP and really have no clue what to pursue. This is probably my biggest issue at the moment. (Plus, how do we get AP anyways? Are they XP based, or given for completing certain quests, or what?)
There honestly isn't much to spend your initial AP on now that they give us the first tier of stances for free. You'll have to throw a couple in things like Monk jump and whatnot before you open up the actually useful lines. For an elf I'm not sure exactly what your ideal enhancements would be. You'll get racial enhancements for Dex, so that's always a good option
If you look at your xp bar you'll see little bubbles to the side. You get an AP every time you fill a new bubble, 4 every level. It is XP based.
3. Looking ahead, what should my priority for my next couple of feats be? Power Attack? Dodge? Stunning Fist? Something else?
PA and SF are both decent options. Dodge is nice if you have room for it, but not necessary. You won't have super high wisdom with the build you are looking at so while SF will probably be pretty good early on, you'll notice it not hitting very often as you get higher level
4. When exactly do I get to add skill points? Referring again to the one thread I've seen on elf monk builds, lyeman had arrows next to three stats that seemed to indicate stat gains but I am not clear what they all mean. Next to STR he had (<-- level points here), next to DEX (<-- race points here) and next to WIS (<-- class points here). No clue what that means. I think level points refers to the ability to add +1 to a stat every 4 levels, right? So what are race points and class points? Help!
By race points he means the racial enhancement points you can add (that I mentioned above) and class points are the class enhancements you'll also have. Level points are indeed the +1 stat every 4 levels. For an elf you may well want to put those in strength. If you decide to switch to halfling you may want to go with Dex or Wis instead.
5. What the heck is the deal with Dragonmarks? I have seen recommendations that for a solo elf monk both the Invisibility and Displacement are really helpful, but are they anything I need to worry about in the first few levels or no?
You access Dragonmarks by doing a quest in the marketplace. This opens them up to any character you make on the server. They are special racial feats. Some races have much more valuable ones than others. Since monks are generally far from feat starved it's usually pretty easy to fit them in if your race has useful ones. Invis and Displace are super nice things to have, especially displace. Displace will become more important at higher levels when your AC starts to not be as meaningful without a lot of tweaks to your gear.
6. This sounds so totally n00b I know but so far (halfway through level 1) honestly all I am doing is basically randomly button mashing. I really have no concept of any kind of *strategy* during the course of a fight. I realize that is a massive question but even the tiniest of tips about skill sequences or something would be good. Because essentially right now I am winning battles basically just by autoattacking everything to death with occasional random special attacks--either normal ones (like Trip or Sunder) or the Tier I elemental ones (when I have ki for them). But there is not any rhyme or reason to what I am using when. (Told you I was noob!) I figure at some point, probably sooner rather than later, this will NOT be good enough even though it certainly seems to be in the newbie island where I am now.
Since you don't have a path chosen yet you don't have access to a lot of the finishers that you'll be using later on. Your most powerful ki strike is your earth one, use that as much as you can. Generally you just want to spam your ki strikes as much as possible. Early on it's harder to build ki and you may even want to use fire stance instead of wind at the early levels for the extra ki gain.
Sorry if this was long. Or if I am so new to the game that I wasn't even able to properly clarify my questions. Any help at all is most appreciated!