agreed. And adding, at this juncture in DDO's history, the only way I can see to add PvP WITHOUT destroying the PvE OR making it "manatory" is PvMP, which Turbine has and can set up easily.
It's the only PvP I will support.
I know this has been beaten into the ground, but I do feel it needs to be said again: Alot of us came here because there was NO PvP. Many of us were burned out on games that had Meaningful PvP. Personally, I was tired of being publicily mocked by 11 year olds because I didn't want to spar with their twinked out toons. Strangely, I tend not to be confrontational in the game, for those who have played with me know for a fact. I prefer to work as a team to get the job done rather than a solo uber build doing all the work and the rest of us wondering why we logged into the game.
Yes, I know that PvP crowd isn't made up of entirely by 11 year olds, but that's what I (and many others) got the impression of when concerning games that are PvP driven. THey are the loudest, like the non-PvP people here are the loudest, and there fore are the "face" of PvP.
With the dislike of PvP, and immature players who practice it like a religion, I feel bringing a meaningful PvP to this game means that that crowd will flock to DDO. It hast to be MEANINGFUL. If it isn't, then no one will play, like it is now. Or that slow demand for "rewards" will creep up in the suggestions. Am I worried about the people here going "PvP-l33tist?" No, so don't protest this is wrong thinking. I am worried the crowd that WILL COME from meaningful. ANd they will come.
Will the game grow? yes. Will they make more money? yes. Will DDO stand out as revoutionary, different? NO. Why? It followed the "crowd". Will the PvE be shoved aside for the PvP crowd? I really think it will, just because of the bottom line.
And at the end of the day I feel niched is better. Because, for me, PvP here means I have only LotRO to go to, andthat can only hold my interests for a few weeks at a time. It isn't my choice, though. However, I shall influence Turbine as much as I can AGAINST adding PvP to the game.
And I will argue to anyone against it on the forums and in the game, with all the passion and influence I can muster.