I was going to make a heavy armor battle bard but am realizing I just do not have the time. So, selling 3 nice sets of Twilight armors...Will try to get screenshots up later.
1. +5 Twilight Mith FP of Light Fort, Halfling RR, ML 14, 154/25 15% spell failure. Grey in color, pretty basic but ok looks.
2. +5 Twilight Mith FP of Spearblock, Dwarf RR, ML 16, 164/26 15% spell failure, Bluish Purple in color, I like the graphics a lot.
3. +5 Twilight Mith BP of Lesser Sonic Res, Dwarf RR, ML 14, 130/24 5% spell failure, ok graphic.
4. Full Shield piece set as well....
If you have a set of Seven Finger Gloves you can get FP spell failure down to 5% and BP to 0%. Mix in Fanion and should be able to get into the 60's AC wise realtively easy, more if you are creative.
Looking to trade for plat/larges/maybe a tome page set? Send PM with what you are interested and what you offer maybe we can work something out.