I should be there again this year, I almost forgot it was this weekend because of a crazy July I had . So I'll be there around 8:30!
I should be there again this year, I almost forgot it was this weekend because of a crazy July I had . So I'll be there around 8:30!
Vote for the Official Drinks of DDO Cocktail Hour and DDOCast
DDO Cocktail Hour & DDOCast Official Drink Voting
Anybody got an organized print-off of our standard list(s) of drinks?
(The barkeep kept my hand-scribbled one last year....)
Seem to have managed well enough with that Zombie Juice another crew were getting.
(L. I. Ice Tea, plus Midori for color - add a splash of soda if there's any room left in the glass. Or beer mug, in some cases.)
Btw, guys. I'd like to get ahold of some of the pix from the party. The ones I took seem to have mostly been as blurry as my own vision was. (Camera is getting too old - kinda like it's owner.)