Shroud, Pt. II.
The regen trees are really getting on my nerves....literally.
Standard tactic in all the groups I've been in is to *insert expletive here* the regen trees to regain HP and mana after killing the trash mobs so you're full for the named pulls.
The Problem:
My fingers hurt. No, really. I've tried everything- 30% striders, Haste, Tumbling with and without the Tumble spell.... it's not just "not fun", it forces a pretty uniquely physical influence on the player's body. I don't mind having to move to regen- "Hopping" in pools is not so bad, because it's your thumb tapping on the space bar, not a single finger cramping between the "W" and "S" keys. So is a floor mechanic (such as in Finding the Path) where a player can make a continuous run on the perimeter of the square, catching the corners as they round the circuit.
If there is a better way, please do let me in on the secret. Until then, please consider this a request to make it a "pool" like in part 3. There is no way that making this change will alter the function of the regen area, as you gain the same amount of SP/HP from all the Shroud regen areas, regardless of mechanic.