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  1. #1
    Community Member Magusrex777's Avatar
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    Default Looking for the perfect guild

    My wife and I are looking for the perfect guild. I have been trying to push through all of the listings to search for the right guild and I am having difficulty. Maybe a guild leader is reading this or someone knows of the perfect guild. Perfect guild you ask? OK, let me describe it.

    You log in and some people greet you, not everyone, but the guild needs to have at least a few friendly people. No pressure, meaning the moment we log in we don’t get a blind invite to join a group and if we say no we don’t get asked why not and pressured to go. I understand why some guilds are like that and if yours is and you like that, good for you. We just are not looking for that so best to get it out of the way.

    We like to play together, so if there is not room for both of us we probably wont go. If you do raid and we go you can expect we will be extremely prepared first. We will have the gear and consumables necessary, we will have researched the place beforehand and have basic knowledge of what to expect before we have ever been to the raid. If we commit to attending in advance we will be on time and will honor our commitments. We will just never be “hard-core raiders" again I led raids for years in many games, my time for that is done.

    If you do not raid, that is fine to, the right guild atmosphere is more important to us. We will be drama free, we just want to play and have fun. A guild without many rules is plus. Treat each other with respect, don’t act like a jerk are fine. You must be on at 8pst-12pst 4 times a week and join all guild runs, no deal. We have a 5 year old our play is often after 8 PST we sometimes need to go AFK to take care of our child. She comes before gaming always, a guild that accepts that or has others in similar situations is a huge plus.

    I think we have good sense of humor, and are good players. We don’t mind going slow and smelling every flower or doing nice fast XP/favor runs we just like to mix it up not all of one style. We are definitely not in a rush to the cap. My main toon is I hope to hear from the perfect guild I think we would be good additions to any guild.
    Last edited by Magusrex777; 03-16-2010 at 05:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Masterpip26's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Hey whats up? Now im not big on recruiting but I do lead the DDO branch of our gaming comunity called The Unrepentant. Also you will have to forgive any bad grammer or misspelling as well i suck at stuff like that. lol

    Now as fare as looking for a guild. We have alot of peeps like the 2 of you in our comunity as we are a 18+ year old gamer setting. Ill stop tourchering you with my bad writing skills and tell you to check out our thread here in the forums and a give you a link to our Gaming comunity web site.
    that is our recurtment thread
    that is our web site

    One last thing and do not get discuraged by it but as you will see we have a small guild application process. Now we have it so that we can make sure that you are a good match for us and you can see if we are a good match for you. Once you are a member of The Unrepentant you are a member for life and free to join us on any branch and any game. We look for people to join us. And we want to get to know the person as a person not just as a gamer. Hope to hear from you!

  3. #3
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Look up Cythro or Zyrg from Nine Drawn Swords. Very guild oriented and friendly group of people.

  4. #4
    Community Member Magusrex777's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Masterpip26 View Post
    Hey whats up? Now im not big on recruiting but I do lead the DDO branch of our gaming comunity called The Unrepentant. Also you will have to forgive any bad grammer or misspelling as well i suck at stuff like that. lol

    Now as fare as looking for a guild. We have alot of peeps like the 2 of you in our comunity as we are a 18+ year old gamer setting. Ill stop tourchering you with my bad writing skills and tell you to check out our thread here in the forums and a give you a link to our Gaming comunity web site.
    that is our recurtment thread
    that is our web site

    One last thing and do not get discuraged by it but as you will see we have a small guild application process. Now we have it so that we can make sure that you are a good match for us and you can see if we are a good match for you. Once you are a member of The Unrepentant you are a member for life and free to join us on any branch and any game. We look for people to join us. And we want to get to know the person as a person not just as a gamer. Hope to hear from you!
    I saw your site and like your guild. The app is no big deal for me. My wife, not so much. If I could apply for the both of us I would. She will talk in game and is friendly, too nice really, she will give tons of stuff away if she has it. She has zero use/tolerance for internet forums, here or a guild's. I read them, she will ask me what is going on and I tell her. You might not be able to take my word for it but she would fit in with you all even better than I think I would. She has a great sense of humor and a very sharp wit.

  5. #5
    Community Member Masterpip26's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magusrex777 View Post
    I saw your site and like your guild. The app is no big deal for me. My wife, not so much. If I could apply for the both of us I would. She will talk in game and is friendly, too nice really, she will give tons of stuff away if she has it. She has zero use/tolerance for internet forums, here or a guild's. I read them, she will ask me what is going on and I tell her. You might not be able to take my word for it but she would fit in with you all even better than I think I would. She has a great sense of humor and a very sharp wit.

    we do ask that each person puts in an app. We do have a husband/wife combos. Some have 1 person in and one not some are both in. Just depends. personaly i dont care who does the app as long as there is one for each of u. lol we do a lot of banter back and forth in the app process so we can get to know how u are tho. U can send me a PM on this site or our main comunity site. Im Masterpip26 on both.

  6. #6
    Founder William_the_Bat's Avatar
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    I joined The Unrepentant a while ago, and am having a blast. My fiancee, (wedding on the 20th, 4 days from now? AKK!) sometimes plays DDO but lately just has other stuff to do. She also does not like forums, so I'm not entirely sure how it'll shake out when she does want to play again. We met playing Asheron's Call, so it's not like she doesn't get the whole MMO thing.

    As far as the application process, maybe just have one of you put one in for now. Honestly, as near as I can tell, the idea is to have a bit of banter and communication before taking the plunge. This isn't just for The U, it's also for the applicant to see what we're all about. Certainly if a friend wants to have their wife also join a group I'm running, I'm all for it. And please, when you fill out the application, make sure your answers, especially the Zombie Plan, are both detailed and well thought out.

  7. #7
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Ok first, you're on the wrong server. Sarlona and you're looking for the perfect guild? C'mon!
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  8. #8


    Good Afternoon!

    We in DOA have the atsmophere you are looking for I think. We are a casual, mature guild that has been around from the beginning. We have 20-30 active members with a dozen or so on during most nights. Check out the link in my sig and if you are still interested please feel free to contact anyone of our members that are online. Let them know that you are interested in DOA and we will link up and run some quests.

    See you in Stormreach and GL with your guild hunt!
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