Anyone gptten their hands on some of the new named items from Sentinels yet? Ah Wants mah epic handwraps!
Looks like all the scrolls, shards and seals for the new epics are in the compedium.
Saw some docents, heavy armor, eternal wands, swords.. Nothing that sounds like handwraps, tho it can be tough to tell from names alone.
This one kinda sounds like a Kama or other monk weapon maybe? :
Here we go
Both pulled from The Tide Turns on Elite
Ran all quests on hard got nothing in the way of named loot, did one run on elite (solo) and had 2 items drop, one from each of the 2 end chests.
Also looks like if you do the optionals to trap pirates in the wings you get a 3rd chest after the end fight (no named in it on the one run I did the optional)
Looks like you get an end reward from the chain that gives you lots more named items and the sigils as well will post more SS later
It's a one time reward list from Taggart so might pay to wait untill you have 2 of the 3 sigils before taking the end reward, but at least they are bound to account.
If I get time I will run some more and upgrade one of the items.
Last edited by Kambuk; 03-17-2010 at 06:10 AM.
So prior to the upgrade they're worthless even to level 5 characters...
Well The upgrade to the Tarnished Denith Armor whick was +1 heavy chain was a loss. went from simply +1 chain to +1 chain with lifeshield. There were no slots for augment crystals either after upgrading. I do not expect anything great to be added to these items at least with the basic upgrade using the sigils.
So far, I'm very disappointed with this "upgrade" mechanic.
It's one thing to give us something useful that we then have to grind to improve upon... but it's something else wholesale to give us something that is flat-out junk and then expect us grind in order to make said junk even marginally useful.
I'm tempted to give the whole endeavor a big ol' /fail - but I'll stick with just unhappy at this point. I think it sucks, but who knows... time may show to be better then it appears right now.
Don't be so fast to dismiss it. Lifeshield is a percentage to get temporary hp when damaged, which can be an excellent choice for zero-AC melee builds in the mid levels.
Would have been better if the items started as average for their level, and increased up from there. But it doesn't look too bad yet. Remember, the really bad possibility is something like the Terror sword, which is junk both before and after.
PS. Presumably this is where the first (only?) epic rapier will come from. Too bad it's a healer item... but maybe it'll get both holy burt and undeadbane.
Agreed. Although, that is what I'm afraid of tell ya the truth.
That's why I'm giving it more of a wait and see approach before I cast an official stance of it being a fail. It's too soon to tell how it will all ultimately shape up - but it's not made a good first impression on me.
i bet the new unraveling enchantments can be done with the altar i posted about a while back in this thread.
Edit: Just noticed that it said to use in "Visbane's Folley" in the description heh. Knew it had to be used for something coming soon but wasn't sure until now![]()
Last edited by dragonruler; 03-17-2010 at 12:23 AM.
Argonnessen Server Officer of ChaosKnightsArdrak (Human sorcerer) ~ Aryanaa (Human cleric) ~ Arynias (Human Sorcerer) ~ Arylia (Elven ranger) ~ Arylias (Human Favored Soul)
Ouch good catch on that....intentional or a typo???
I pulled a Sigil of the Lion from the Bargain of Blood quest on normal, but no named items in any of them (again on normal in each case).
Looks like you need a Goat, Lion and Dragon Sigil to combine to fix the Unraveling feature. The Sigils bind to Account. and pop into ingredients bags thankfully.
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more, #1 source for DDO information.
I honestly hope that there are named wraps in this update. This is the perfect opertunity for turbine to begin making of for the horrid lack of attention they have given to monks, especially in comparison with the epis SoS. There are no named handwraps anywhere that is planned except the necro (devouts) and that is a long way off. This is needed to give monks any comparable dps increase (unless they make us give up more item slots like they did with the ToD rings) from running epic content.
Augment crystals are a feature of Epic items.
There's no way you could of done the epic upgrade in such a short time. You did the normal upgrade.
Presumably you have to upgrade the items twice to make them epic.. Once to "unravel" and again to "epicify"..
Perhaps even a third time to unravel the epicness.
The +4 bracers are a good alternative to the WW bracers for low level non-armored comrades.
And the epic version of the rusted crown might be interesting as well.
looks sweet thx turbine![]()
Ghallanda Guild Keepers of the Asylum & Plague -[ Beowulfs 14 fighter/3 pal / 3rog Drow]