I like how my own posts are edited by someone else.
I like how my own posts are edited by someone else.
I like how no one cares.
I was to understand there would be punch and pie...
Wow, somebody is testy today.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kadran. I'm also impressed you can quote me but not know who I am. Amnesia?
By posting on a forum, you are talking to everyone. Anyone is welcome to post here, whether you like it or not. The fact that you don't means that people like me will continue to post here. :-D Enjoy.
Last edited by Kadran; 03-16-2010 at 03:45 PM.
Hello Kadran! My name is Philam. Would it be to forward for me to just call you forum Troll or would that be out of line. Please respond if that is ok. Look forward to chatting with you in the near future as I know you will troll, I mean respond quickly. Have a great day!
Yes he is testy, first he was in a situation that he found unlikable and then when he posted about it upset on his home server's forum, someone from another server came along and told him that no one cared about his opinion.
While anyone is welcome to post on these forums, given that they have sufficient access privileges, you must follow the forum guidelines:
Now I ask again, what was the intent of your original post on this thread? I believe that it was meant to provoke the OP.While participating in the Forums, you must respect the rights of others to participate in the community. To this end you may not harass, defraud, threaten or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other members or Turbine staff. This includes, but is not limited to: Posting with the intent of provoking another user or users
Not to pick at straws, but was not the intent of this original post (pre moderator edit) to provoke the actual moderators? Publicly complaining about moderator action is sort of like posting a thread with the title of "TURBINE SUCKS, PLEASE EDIT MY THREAD".
Not that I don't totally feel for him, but it wasn't a brilliant move.
KKDragonlord: Yes, there is a rule about that, and I have the infractions to prove it. I've changed my ways accordingly.