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    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Default Ultimate Epic Sorcerer gear

    Plenty of changes to the game and relatively new sorc gear in the game now.. So lets try to plan out an updated ideal setup.

    General All-around Setup:
    • Helmet: Minos Legens(+20 HP, Heavy Fort)
    • Necklace: Epic Torc with +6 Con Augment
    • Goggles: Greensteel item 1, Cleansed (Con Skills +10, Exception +3 ( +45 HP)
    • Trinket: Littany of the Dead
    • Robe/Docent: Dragontouch Robe/Docent (ideal features: Greater Spell Penetration VIII, Healing Amplication 20%, Resistence +5)
    • Robe/Docent 2: Upgraded Regalia of the Phoenix. WF: Blue Scale Docent (soon to be Epic)
    • Robe/Docent 3: Epic Red Scale Robe/Docent
    • *Bracers: Greensteel item 2 (Cha Skill +5, SP +600, Concordant Op)
    • Gloves: Gloves of the Glacier
    • Cloak: Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord, with GFL Augment
    • Belt: Epic Lionheaded Belt Buckle
    • Belt2: Kormors Belt (Archmagi before Shrine)
    • Boots: Epic Kundarak Boots, Augment: Con+6. Epic Firestorm Greaves, Augment: Featherfall
    • Left Ring: Lorinthor's Ring, With Exceptional +2 Cha Upgrade (total +3)
    • Right Ring: Thamor's Ring, With Exceptional +2 Con Upgrade (total +3)

    Weapons: With the new clicky boost, using weapons that provide a mere +50% damage is not acceptable to an Epic sorcerer. So the choices are much clearer:
    Primary Staff: Staff of the Petitioner
    Secondary Staff: Dreamspitter
    Ice Nuking Set: Major Ice Lore (insert personal prefered 1hander type), Skiver
    Fire nuking Set: Already Covered by Robe* WF need to wear Red Scale for their Fire lore option.. And probably also carry an additional weapon with it, for times when redscale is not ideal.
    Non-Elemental Nuksing Set: (Pretty much only for when you want to disintegrate) Superior Potentcy VI Scepter + Skiver

    Important sitional Swappables/Clickies to carry:
    • Helmet: None because even the Epic sorcerer sometimes forgets and not having heavy fort on all times is fatal
    • Necklace: Silver Flame Talisman - This is the reason you double up on Con items in both Necklace and Belt slots. Very important item for both warforged and fleshies vs beholders.
      Additionally: Epic Hruvayah's Medallion - Augment: Con +6 (Spell Pen IX)- For when spell penetration on level 9 spells (Mass hold, Energy Drain, Wail) is critical.
    • Goggles: Thanes or Sandstorm. Mainly to detect secret doors very quickly.
    • Trinket: Epic Pouch of Jerky. Mainly as a clicky, but occoasonally you may find the extra HP helpful, depending if the +1 con from LoTD effects your hitpoints or not. Nonquesting: Phiarlan Pendant for fast travel.
      Additionally: Xachosian Eardweller: What would a epic sorcerer be without a earslug drilling into his brain making him crazy? Crazy powerful. (+100% damage clicky for insane nuking potential)
    • Robe/Docent: Warforged may wish to carry a Docent of Defiance for very situational use. Personally I carry a couple click robes for emergencies also: Remove Fear in particular.
    • *Bracers: None, removing this causes a massive loss of 600 spell points!
    • Gloves: Seven Fingered Gloves, for when more UMD is critical (The original setup includes a +3 item (Cloak), but this is +5. Vile Blasphemy (multiples): For when +6 dex is critical, and for the clickies.
    • Cloak: Mantle of the World Shaper (Critical item) Reaver Cloak (depending on if your cha ends up an odd number, this may increase DC's at a cost of UMD)
    • Belt: Variety of Amrath and other clicky belts for damage boosting. (Singed Belt, Telvi's Sash, Etc)
    • Boots: Perhaps a set of striders for the rare times you under constant dispel and need faster movement.
    • Right Ring: Epic Ring of Spell Storing. (No augment. For clicky only)

    Comments on each slot:
    Helmet: Given the fact the epic red helm apprently does not provide any fire damage increase.. This slot continues to be dominated by the legendary legens.
    Necklace: An extremely difficult item to aquire (believe my server only has 1 player with it) .. But worth it. In the mean time I'm using the Shintao Cord for superior concentration, with occoasonal swapping in of the base torc.
    Goggles: Greensteel, a hotly contested subject as it's has such a massive variety of options.. I've put a fair amount of thought into this and it seems ideal.
    Trinket: Hope your sorcs not good-aligned =)
    Robe/Docent: Big change here recently with the improove clicky boosts. I've made the upgraded Regalia my fulltime robe as it has incredibly nice bonuses. Too bad warforged don't get an equivalent =/ But Dragontouched remains an excellent choice in times where you need spell penetration, so carrying multiples is critical. And the Epic Redscale does provide them with a Firelore slot eventually.. Tho it is missing out on Greater Evocation focus, which is unfortunate.
    *Bracers: Again greensteel. My original item here was air guard, which is nice.. But concordant op is superior, and using it on a weapon is no longer a great choice given the much superior nature of the abbot staff.
    Gloves: Gloves of the Glacier - The ultimate nuking gloves. Have not made much use of these until I aquired the Epic cloak, as I needed that umd to break the critical 39+ threshold.. But no longer, so these are a fine choice.
    Cloak: Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord, with GFL Augment - One of the easiest and most powerful Epics to aquire.
    Belt: Epic Lionheaded Belt Buckle - Extremely hard to get, but awesome item. One special feature people don't realise: It's proc has no save, so works perfect on epic. It's -2 to saves, anytime a mob scores a critical hit on you - and thats often on epic (regardlss wheather you have heavy fort on or not that is)
    Belt2: Kormors Belt (Archmagi before Shrine - basicaly an additional 100 SP for you to buff with. A wizard may want this on fulltime. But as a sorc, you can afford to waste 100 SP per shrine on buffs and still do great as we have allot to play with. And it's otherwise not a prime item to wear fulltime.
    Boots: Fairly simple choices here. Reason for triple redundant con on Epic boots: For silver flame + archmagic belt incase you forgot to swap it, or for during a singed belt click while fighting a beholder. Has happened to me ingame before in epic von2.. Run up to stone/wall of fire hte beholder, forget to click belt b4.. Do it during the battle,, disintegrated with no con item on, dead, if I had a con item on, i'd likely be alive - just barely. Also there doesn't seem to be much else relevant to slot in there (colorless so not much variety available)
    Rings: mm newly aquired setup. Seems ideal but I haven't put allot of thought into. Any other ideas?

    There you go.. Ultimate Epic gear.
    There's possibly some improvements possible, so check it out and comment.
    Last edited by Shade; 03-18-2010 at 03:24 AM.

  2. #2
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    You haven't listed weapons. A lot of my ultimate epic gear is similar, a lot is different. There are, obviously, may ways to go.

    As far as your request for rings suggestion, I still do like my Archmagi combo even though the items don't "stack" with GAL, but it will depend a lot on what spells you are casting. I do rather enjoy my Major Arcane Lore gathered from Skiver and the AM set, though.

    Ahh, I see you mentioned the Abbot staff. Yes, this would be a nice one for anything but non-fire based nuking.

    A true epic sorc, IMO, will have lots of good gear to swap around for what he needs to be doing at any given time. This is a good selection, though. I hope you don't mind if I use some of the suggestions I had not thought of in the handbook.
    Last edited by Aspenor; 03-16-2010 at 10:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Ahh, I see you mentioned the Abbot staff. Yes, this would be a nice one for anything but non-fire based nuking.
    I think another option could be to replace the gloves with a major ice lore shroud set of gloves.. Letting you pull out the abbot staff and maintain maximum fire/ice nuke damage, netting you another 10% worth of nukes.. Likely more overall then the minor boost the gloves provide with its meta deductions.

    The archmagi belt isn't a bad idea as a situational use. But unfortunately the ring match lacks the rather important stats for a sorc.. More ideal for a wizard. Hopefully the lack of good ToD sets for sorcs can be rectified someday with the addition of the elemental savants, and hopefully good updates to the savant belts/rings.

  4. #4
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    Epic Lion headed belt buckle has +6 con why are you adding it again in two other items?
    Ghallanda Rerolled
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  5. #5
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    I was thinking the same thing as LeLoric... you have con+6 in three spots, two of which were chosen via augmentation - might there be a better use for the augment slots for those items, or at least one of the two items, if you're trying to avoid HP loss from swapping items?

  6. #6
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    For your trinket I like having the eardweller as well as the litany - it is ridiculous on a caster. I would move the goggles to the glove slot and make the spectacles of spirit sight in the goggle slot. I figure you plan to swap out your belt for amarath clickies which is why you have it fairly swappable otherwise I might suggest the belt of moranon (swapping heavy fortification is generally not a good idea) so you can free up a head slot and put something there (roaring is nice but you do not want to get hit so much that roaring becomes a factor shrug).
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeLoric View Post
    Epic Lion headed belt buckle has +6 con why are you adding it again in two other items?
    Options my friend, options.

  8. #8
    Community Member Diarden's Avatar
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    He also has a Major Ice Lore scepter coupled with a skiver. Also, to base your Sup Potency on item clickies than a static item is sad. You have 0 potency items on your list. What happens against a red-named beholder? There are plenty of those in endgame...

    Shade, stick to Barbs... stick to Barbs.
    Last edited by Diarden; 03-17-2010 at 12:06 PM.
    Ghallanda - Ballistics 20 Sorc, Calloused 18 Fighter/2Rogue, Callosity 20 Barbarian, Warath 18 Fvs, 2 Monk

  9. #9
    Community Member Myrdinn's Avatar
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    On the Dragontouched armor, I would replace the greater spell pen 8 and the resistance 5 and take other useful bonus, since the torc give you the G spell pen 8 and you got a +4 resist with the nightshield spell.

    But it is as you want I like the +20 healing amp though.

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  10. #10
    Community Member Diarden's Avatar
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    Since you're open to suggestions...

    Helm - Minos
    Goggles - Conc Opp 300sp
    Neck - Sup Potency 6 from Amrath, Torc when SP is needed
    Cloak - GS 45hp
    Belt - 6con GFL
    Boots - Gyro, Firestorm, etc
    Gloves - Seven Fingered or Fanged Gloves
    Bracers - Glacier
    Robe - Blue DS (made epic in a few months, worth getting now)
    Ring 1 - ToD +3 Cha
    Ring 2 - ToD +3 Con

    Weapons -
    Weapon 1 - Conc Opp
    Weapon 2 - Skiver or Light & Dark Shield

    Some of these can be switched out for other stuff, but this setup works well in many epic dungeons when trying to solo.
    Ghallanda - Ballistics 20 Sorc, Calloused 18 Fighter/2Rogue, Callosity 20 Barbarian, Warath 18 Fvs, 2 Monk

  11. #11
    Community Member Thriand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diarden View Post
    He also has a Major Ice Lore scepter coupled with a skiver. Also, to base your Sup Potency on item clickies than a static item is sad. You have 0 potency items on your list. What happens against a red-named beholder? There are plenty of those in endgame...

    Shade, stick to Barbs... stick to Barbs.
    Beholders don't dispel potency effects from clickies/pots and since there isn't a beholder fight that lasts more than 3 mins I'd hardly consider that an issue.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thriand View Post
    Beholders don't dispel potency effects from clickies/pots and since there isn't a beholder fight that lasts more than 3 mins I'd hardly consider that an issue.
    qft it's not a magic spell

  13. #13
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strakeln View Post
    I was thinking the same thing as LeLoric... you have con+6 in three spots, two of which were chosen via augmentation - might there be a better use for the augment slots for those items, or at least one of the two items, if you're trying to avoid HP loss from swapping items?
    That's already explained if you read the swappables section.

    Swap necklace to silver flame ot fight a beholder, and have no other con option? Not a very fun setup.
    Con is important to maintain with all possible setups.

    Quote Originally Posted by madmatt
    For your trinket I like having the eardweller as well as the litany - it is ridiculous on a caster. I would move the goggles to the glove slot and make the spectacles of spirit sight in the goggle slot.
    Eardwellers is already listed in the swappables/clicky section.

    The googles are good but they clash with the current setup and result in just lower stats (loss of gloves). Already have both greater enchantment, evocation and necromancy built in fulltime on the defataul setup. (From Abbot Staff and Regalia)

  14. #14
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdinn View Post
    On the Dragontouched armor, I would replace the greater spell pen 8 and the resistance 5 and take other useful bonus, since the torc give you the G spell pen 8 and you got a +4 resist with the nightshield spell.

    But it is as you want I like the +20 healing amp though.
    The ideal spell penetration setup includes the Hruvayahs Medallion on for Spell pen IX. Keeping the Greater 8 ensures +3 on lvl1-8 and +2 on lvl9. If you instead wear the torc where spell pen is critical, you have no option for level 9 splels.

    Also suggestions on how to change an item, should include what you think I should actaully change it to.

  15. #15
    Community Member Thriand's Avatar
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    My Epic sorcerer's gear set up is pretty similar, however the only real problem I see with your setup is that having GSP VIII on both the epic torc and your SoS armor is kind of redundant. I understand wanting con on multiple items as you have in your setup so that when you switch items to use clickies (potency belts, lesser maximize etc.) you don't lose hp for those few seconds, but I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be wearing the epic torc while using spells that require spell resistance checks.

    *edit* nevermind I didn't see your medallion at first, I had always planned on using the greenblade as my SP IX

  16. #16
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diarden View Post
    Also, to base your Sup Potency on item clickies than a static item is sad. You have 0 potency items on your list.
    Any truly epic casters that continues to rely on poor non-maximum boosts for spell damage is whats sad. True epic casters will never accept +50% bonuses when +75% are available in unlimited amounts (and +100% for 3 minuits with the eardweller)

    If there were static +75% potentcy items in the game, they certianly would be in the list, there are not.

    Every solid caster players I know no longer relies on static items for damage boosts. It's just not a smart idea to waste the slots on them.

    Mine remain in my pack for now encase such a situation arises where they matter (cannot think of one), but I believe very soon they will be going into my bank.

  17. #17
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thriand View Post
    *edit* nevermind I didn't see your medallion at first, I had always planned on using the greenblade as my SP IX
    Assuming you do have better sovereign runes in mind. It's much more useful to let other player know you thoughts rather then simply saying it's a mistake with no alternative.

  18. #18
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Options my friend, options.
    I understand 2 slots with con but three seems a bit high when those could be used for something else (exc +1's, immunities, spell focus)
    Ghallanda Rerolled
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  19. #19
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    Really surprised not to see the epic red dragon helm here. The extra d6's to DBF and more damage to firewall should be a no brainer. Maybe go with the Epic dragon belt instead of belt buckle to replace the minos.

    Edit:: Just saw your statement that it doesn't increase dmg past 20. Have we seen any definitive testing on this? If not then clearly bugged as why would they make a min lev 20 item with augmentation that can't go above 20.
    Last edited by LeLoric; 03-17-2010 at 12:59 PM.
    Ghallanda Rerolled
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  20. #20
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeLoric View Post
    I understand 2 slots with con but three seems a bit high when those could be used for something else (exc +1's, immunities, spell focus)
    More complaints without specific suggestions for alternative. Whats your purpose here?

    If you think a particular augment is not ideal, suggest an alternative.

    The fact is all stats, including +1 exceptionals that matter are accounted for, as are all immunities. Spell Focuses? Perhaps, but the important ones are all covered with greaters, and the reaver cloak can be swapped in for the rest.

    This is the ultimate setup. Realisticly no one will ever get all this gear, nor have the hundreds of tokens to burn on all the augment (actually come to think of it I've burned more then that already heh).. It's an merely an ideal, to help focus our goals.

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