Plenty of changes to the game and relatively new sorc gear in the game now.. So lets try to plan out an updated ideal setup.
General All-around Setup:
- Helmet: Minos Legens(+20 HP, Heavy Fort)
- Necklace: Epic Torc with +6 Con Augment
- Goggles: Greensteel item 1, Cleansed (Con Skills +10, Exception +3 ( +45 HP)
- Trinket: Littany of the Dead
- Robe/Docent: Dragontouch Robe/Docent (ideal features: Greater Spell Penetration VIII, Healing Amplication 20%, Resistence +5)
- Robe/Docent 2: Upgraded Regalia of the Phoenix. WF: Blue Scale Docent (soon to be Epic)
- Robe/Docent 3: Epic Red Scale Robe/Docent
- *Bracers: Greensteel item 2 (Cha Skill +5, SP +600, Concordant Op)
- Gloves: Gloves of the Glacier
- Cloak: Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord, with GFL Augment
- Belt: Epic Lionheaded Belt Buckle
- Belt2: Kormors Belt (Archmagi before Shrine)
- Boots: Epic Kundarak Boots, Augment: Con+6. Epic Firestorm Greaves, Augment: Featherfall
- Left Ring: Lorinthor's Ring, With Exceptional +2 Cha Upgrade (total +3)
- Right Ring: Thamor's Ring, With Exceptional +2 Con Upgrade (total +3)
Weapons: With the new clicky boost, using weapons that provide a mere +50% damage is not acceptable to an Epic sorcerer. So the choices are much clearer:
Primary Staff: Staff of the Petitioner
Secondary Staff: Dreamspitter
Ice Nuking Set: Major Ice Lore (insert personal prefered 1hander type), Skiver
Fire nuking Set: Already Covered by Robe* WF need to wear Red Scale for their Fire lore option.. And probably also carry an additional weapon with it, for times when redscale is not ideal.
Non-Elemental Nuksing Set: (Pretty much only for when you want to disintegrate) Superior Potentcy VI Scepter + Skiver
Important sitional Swappables/Clickies to carry:
- Helmet: None because even the Epic sorcerer sometimes forgets and not having heavy fort on all times is fatal
- Necklace: Silver Flame Talisman - This is the reason you double up on Con items in both Necklace and Belt slots. Very important item for both warforged and fleshies vs beholders.
Additionally: Epic Hruvayah's Medallion - Augment: Con +6 (Spell Pen IX)- For when spell penetration on level 9 spells (Mass hold, Energy Drain, Wail) is critical.- Goggles: Thanes or Sandstorm. Mainly to detect secret doors very quickly.
- Trinket: Epic Pouch of Jerky. Mainly as a clicky, but occoasonally you may find the extra HP helpful, depending if the +1 con from LoTD effects your hitpoints or not. Nonquesting: Phiarlan Pendant for fast travel.
Additionally: Xachosian Eardweller: What would a epic sorcerer be without a earslug drilling into his brain making him crazy? Crazy powerful. (+100% damage clicky for insane nuking potential)- Robe/Docent: Warforged may wish to carry a Docent of Defiance for very situational use. Personally I carry a couple click robes for emergencies also: Remove Fear in particular.
- *Bracers: None, removing this causes a massive loss of 600 spell points!
- Gloves: Seven Fingered Gloves, for when more UMD is critical (The original setup includes a +3 item (Cloak), but this is +5. Vile Blasphemy (multiples): For when +6 dex is critical, and for the clickies.
- Cloak: Mantle of the World Shaper (Critical item) Reaver Cloak (depending on if your cha ends up an odd number, this may increase DC's at a cost of UMD)
- Belt: Variety of Amrath and other clicky belts for damage boosting. (Singed Belt, Telvi's Sash, Etc)
- Boots: Perhaps a set of striders for the rare times you under constant dispel and need faster movement.
- Right Ring: Epic Ring of Spell Storing. (No augment. For clicky only)
Comments on each slot:
Helmet: Given the fact the epic red helm apprently does not provide any fire damage increase.. This slot continues to be dominated by the legendary legens.
Necklace: An extremely difficult item to aquire (believe my server only has 1 player with it) .. But worth it. In the mean time I'm using the Shintao Cord for superior concentration, with occoasonal swapping in of the base torc.
Goggles: Greensteel, a hotly contested subject as it's has such a massive variety of options.. I've put a fair amount of thought into this and it seems ideal.
Trinket: Hope your sorcs not good-aligned =)
Robe/Docent: Big change here recently with the improove clicky boosts. I've made the upgraded Regalia my fulltime robe as it has incredibly nice bonuses. Too bad warforged don't get an equivalent =/ But Dragontouched remains an excellent choice in times where you need spell penetration, so carrying multiples is critical. And the Epic Redscale does provide them with a Firelore slot eventually.. Tho it is missing out on Greater Evocation focus, which is unfortunate.
*Bracers: Again greensteel. My original item here was air guard, which is nice.. But concordant op is superior, and using it on a weapon is no longer a great choice given the much superior nature of the abbot staff.
Gloves: Gloves of the Glacier - The ultimate nuking gloves. Have not made much use of these until I aquired the Epic cloak, as I needed that umd to break the critical 39+ threshold.. But no longer, so these are a fine choice.
Cloak: Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord, with GFL Augment - One of the easiest and most powerful Epics to aquire.
Belt: Epic Lionheaded Belt Buckle - Extremely hard to get, but awesome item. One special feature people don't realise: It's proc has no save, so works perfect on epic. It's -2 to saves, anytime a mob scores a critical hit on you - and thats often on epic (regardlss wheather you have heavy fort on or not that is)
Belt2: Kormors Belt (Archmagi before Shrine - basicaly an additional 100 SP for you to buff with. A wizard may want this on fulltime. But as a sorc, you can afford to waste 100 SP per shrine on buffs and still do great as we have allot to play with. And it's otherwise not a prime item to wear fulltime.
Boots: Fairly simple choices here. Reason for triple redundant con on Epic boots: For silver flame + archmagic belt incase you forgot to swap it, or for during a singed belt click while fighting a beholder. Has happened to me ingame before in epic von2.. Run up to stone/wall of fire hte beholder, forget to click belt b4.. Do it during the battle,, disintegrated with no con item on, dead, if I had a con item on, i'd likely be alive - just barely. Also there doesn't seem to be much else relevant to slot in there (colorless so not much variety available)
Rings: mm newly aquired setup. Seems ideal but I haven't put allot of thought into. Any other ideas?
There you go.. Ultimate Epic gear.
There's possibly some improvements possible, so check it out and comment.